VidSite Pro – Guaranteed Traffic-Generating Video Niche Sites

VidSite Pro Review

Hello my friend, I’m Lucas and welcome back to my website review…

Every day, millions of people… watch how to videos and buy a product through a link that video directs to. Every time that happens, you’d get a commission. It’s a virtual goldmine and it’s getting better with every click. And that’s because video converts 80% better than just plain boring text. That means for the same traffic, you get 80% more people to click on ads, opt‐in to your list, buy affiliate products. The power of SEO Videos helped my business become number one online for its niche, and sold my product to over 200 countries around the world.

Now – it can do it for you too!

When you have an authority video site, you’re making money the easiest way possible.

Why am I saying all that?

Because while the market is HUGE, there are very few people who use it to its full potential. And that’s because they lack ONE crucial tool.

Hey, I’m Lucas Price. Back in 2001 I had to quit my job due to an injury and had to start from scratch with NO Internet Marketing experience.

Within 12 months, I was selling my product all around the world. How?

By using the power of SEO-optimized videos, and all the free traffic they bring. The power of adding my Video and OTHER PEOPLES VIDEOS to my sites is what really helped with my SEO and first page rankings. Originally I only had my one video on my sites. But when I started adding other YouTube users tattoo sleeve videos to my sites, I noticed a huge spike in traffic and sales. So I have stuck to this formula and I have always used the power of videos to get my sites first page rankings, traffic and sales. The only problem with my video formula was the time it took me to set up my Word Press video websites and get first page rankings. So I created my own software to make it quick and easy to create my web sites. And a lot faster to get my sites ranked. By using my VidSite Pro software, I am able to get first page rankings after only a few weeks.

What is VidSite Pro?

VidSite Pro is a fantastic WP plugin that builds you 1-click video sites like never before. We’ve got high quality templates, the most advanced video curator on the market and a fully responsive design, all based on our breakthrough architecture. The way this is different is that customers can “lock” each video and force their visitors to sign up to their list, click ads or share it on social media before they can see the videos. On top of that we add 100% unique content below each video by curating the audio and converting it to text (it’s insanely efficient at getting easy rankings). This means you can setup entire sites that get them viral AND SEO traffic, build their lists on autopilot and gets them sales. It’s a true all-in-one money making system.

It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in:

You KNOW that people consume video now more than EVER before. Fact is: if you use videos Google gets you ranked higher, AND your conversion increases by over 80%. With VidSite Pro, you’ll have the most powerful technology on the planet at your fingertips, allowing you to instantly create authority video sites FULL with powerful content that Google loves.

Plus – it comes with unique content besides videos and is fully monetized using a revolutionary technique, so all you have to do is push a button and enjoy more traffic, #1 rankings and improved sales!

VidSite Pro premium WP plugin allows you to create multiple high-ranking video niche sites with 100s of curated videos.

With just 1 click you get a fully-fledged video site that will:

[+] Get you SEO optimized rankings
[+] Build your list
[+] Drive social traffic
[+] Make affiliate sales
[+] All mobile responsive

These have been proven to work incredibly well at dominating Google and bringing in heaps of revenue and traffic.

The process is REALLY simple:

  • Step 1: Select a niche and keyword
  • Step 2: Auto-generate a complete SEO-enabled video site
  • Step 3: Sit back and enjoy organic traffic!

And you can easily monetize them with Amazon products, affiliate offers or even your own products!

Here’s why VidSite Pro is better than anything else on the market right now:

  1. You can “lock” a video and force your visitors to share it on social media, click ads or sign up to your list before they can view it. This gets you automated passive traffic and increases your profits all organically, all on autopilot
  2. It comes with 100% unique content. VidSite Pro automatically adds unique content next to each video by curating the audio and converting it to text (it’s insanely efficient at getting easy rankings)

Watch My Case Study

  • NO NEED TO… buy a premium theme for each one of your sites
  • NO NEED TO… pay for expensive content every month so that it looks “fresh” to Google
  • NO NEED TO… check your rankings every day ‐ with hundreds of videos, your authority site will

Seriously, having to do all that manually is expensive, time consuming and put frankly downright irritating, especially once you want to build more than 1 site. That’s exactly the reason so many people are afraid to even get started in video marketing and the same reason why out of all that DO get started, very few truly “make it”.

Now, what if I told you that there’s finally a way to setup such a business without any restrictions, with zero cost, zero technical know‐how, and zero monthly fees?

… WITHOUT EVER having to create a single video yourself?

A few months ago we realized just how much money we were leaving on the table… By Not Automating The Creation, Curation And Monetization Of Authority Video Sites. Manually install and customize the theme, go and find those relevant videos to your niche, then inserting the iframe (ugh!) in your posts, and adding opt‐in forms, ads. At The End Your Site Would Take HOURS of your time and still be ugly and barely functional. When you could have done it all with the push of a button and focus on your business and getting traffic instead!

That’s when we decided to build our own solution, one that would be personal to every user and work in every niche, allowing you to build and monetize and authority video sites within minutes and curate its content for life. All packed in the most incredibly user‐friendly interface – and it’s all for a one‐time fee! Not only is VidSite Pro the BEST ever… automated WP system that builds high converting video sites… It’s Also The Most Affordable Solution.

In fact it’s so good – it’s in a league of its own. It comes with 2 STELLAR features NO OTHER similar app has

  • #1 It automatically “Locks” your videos
    This means your visitors have to click on ads, share your site on FB or sign up to your list before they can view your videos – which grows your site organically and virally, getting you traffic and making you sales TRULY 100% on autopilot
  • #2 It comes with 100% unique content
    By converting the audio of each video into text and putting it next to the videos, VidSite Pro creates hundreds of unique, high-quality articles Google will rank to the top, giving you yet another passive traffic stream that’s free and high converting!

Main Features

  • Groundbreaking 1-Click Autopilot Money Making Sites
  • Best video curator on Earth automatically adds videos that CONVERT
  • 100% unique content SEO-optimized created for you
  • Lock any video and ask visitors to perform certain actions (like, share, subscribe, click ad)
  • Get viral traffic & sales with the push of a button
  • Built-In Lead Generation System Builds Your List On Autopilot
  • Sell ANY product with beautiful banners
  • Fully integrated with Amazon
  • Professional Stats + Reporting Inside The Admin Panel
  • SEO Built-In Turning Your Site Into a #1 Ranking Beast
  • Mobile Responsive Design

Detail Features

  • Stunning designs that convert: VidSite Pro has been built from ground up to be marketer friendly, meaning our sites that you can build with just one click are tweaked to perfection to get you more of everything: traffic, leads and sales
  • videoSmart Locker Technology TRIPLES conversions: using our proprietary tech, you can “lock” a video and force your visitors to share it on social media, click ads or sign up to your list before they can view it
  • focusSEO Built‐In: We’ve designed VidSite Pro with the best SEO practices in mind. So our platform is 100% SEO friendly right out of the box, GUARANTEED to get you high rankings in Google
  • subscriberOpt‐In Sytem: VidSite Pro allows you to turn any visitor into a subscriber and maximize your revenue
  • ResponsiveFully Responsive Design that gets 34,000 mobile visitors a month: VidSite Pro gives your viewer the best possible experience, allowing for an absolute stunning viewing environment on both desktop as well as mobile
  • subscriber100% Unique Content: VidSite Pro automatically adds unique content next to each video by curating the audio and converting it to text (it’s insanely efficient at getting easy rankings)
  • videoThe most advanced video curator on the planet: built straight into our web app, you can harness hundreds of RELEVANT videos that Google loves within minutes
  • FocusAmazon Integrated: With VidSite Pro you can instantly start selling Amazon affiliate products, as well as your own products or any other affiliate offers. It’s push-button easy.

Who Can Benefit From Using The World’s BEST Video Platform?

This is simple…

  • Any Internet Marketer, regardless of the niche: VidSite Pro helps affiliate marketers make more sales, SEO marketers get #1 ranking and traffic, video marketers create authority video blogs, list builders skyrocket their subscribers all at the push of a button
  • Lazy people who want easy profits
  • Anyone who wants a nice PASSIVE income while focusing on bigger projects
  • Anyone who wants to values their business and money and is not ready to sacrifice them
  • People with products they want to make more sales from


Video & email are the BIGGEST niches in online marketing.

Now – for the first time ever – you can tap into BOTH of them without needing to waste a ton of money or time. VidSite Pro is a powerful new WP platform that creates traffic-generating video sites that RANK & PROFIT – all with just 1 click.

Best news yet? These sites also build your list on autopilot!

You will realize that with the RAW power of VidSite Pro it takes 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Select a niche and keyword
Step 2: Auto-generate a complete SEO-enabled video site
Step 3: Sit back and enjoy organic traffic AND a hungry list of subscribers

That’s correct – this setup has an in-build lead gen module that builds your list while you sleep.

In fact, users so far have been able to bring in thousands of leads to their sites AND get a ton of sales. And that’s because VidSite Pro automatically monetizes those sites with offers from the likes of Amazon, meaning… You are getting PAID to BUILD your list! Perfect way to help yourself to higher profits and more sales! Here’s a friendly warning though…I was speaking to Radu who told me that this one-time fee is available for a limited time only. …after which it will TRIPLE in price – and even then people will buy it. But I want you to check this out and grab access now as there’s no point waiting for something that gets you powerful results – right?

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