The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro – The Best System That Can Land 3 High-fee Consulting Clients in The Next 30 days… GUARANTEED And Earn $3,000/Month or More In Just 30 Days’ time Using ‘Automated Sales Proposals’!

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge Review By Luther Landro – The Best System That Can Land 3 High-fee Consulting Clients in The Next 30 days… GUARANTEED And Earn $3,000/Month or More In Just 30 Days’ time Using ‘Automated Sales Proposals’!

The 3 Clients in 30-Days Challenge is the best Automated Sales Proposals and the only learn-by-doing system that guarantees you 3 consulting clients, each paying you $3,000/month or more in just 30 days’ time. These proven sales materials and lead sources can be used to build an offline consulting business from scratch with nothing more than a Gmail account… It took me 5 years of trial and error to collect these materials, and find the BEST services with the HIGHEST demand to offer local business owners. This consulting system is designed with YOU in mind: IF you are just starting out and looking for a guaranteed way to earn money online. Check here! EVERYTHING you need to get started as a freelance consultant is included in this kit. You will be able to claim professional status from day 1. From websites templates, to legal agreements, to sales proposals… Inside this system you’re also getting my ’30-day challenge’ training series that includes:

  • Goal setting, motivation, and time management training for new consultants – (crucial habits and skills that EVERY consultant needs, yet few training courses show you how 7-figure consultants manage their time and their expectations)
  • Day-by-day instructions from ground zero, all the way to landing 3 clients in 30 days’ time – Just follow the instructions to learn by doing and land 3 clients in the process. There is no better way to learn than by getting out there, and signing up biz owners.
  • Everything is given to you in a copy/paste format that will have you sending out real proposals and earning real money each week of the challenge.

IF you are currently a consultant but are struggling to land clients and aren’t commanding high fees:

  • You’ll be signed up with the top SEO and marketing agency to provide the best possible service to your current and future clients.
  • You’ll discover little-known warm lead sources that make your job easier. Imagine talking to business owners who know they need you, know they need your service, and are willing to pay top dollar to hire you.
  • You’ll have done-for-you marketing materials and proposal generators that take the load of cold calling off your shoulders and do the selling for you.

Never again will you sell yourself for cheap… Having one of the largest agencies servicing your clients and preparing sales proposals for you means you can demand the highest fees in the industry and get it every time. No haggling, no hassles. Get paid the fees you DESERVE. IF You are a pro 6 or 7-figure consultant already.

  • You will find a new set of services to offer at higher fees and better results for your current clients including guaranteed SEO ranking and effective local Facebook marketing (NO ONE is offering this)
  • You’ll have new services and upsells to offer, allowing you to boost your income by at least 20-30% from your existing client base.
  • Plus, a proven sales angle and automated proposal system that will land fast clients (you can just take these materials and do it all in a week)

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

Can you imagine waking up tomorrow KNOWING that your bills for next month are already paid? All because of a few emails you sent out the week before… This feeling of security comes from one thing: Action. You must take action on this in order to see results. Take an hour each day for the next 30 days to go through the training and follow the instructions. Some days will be simple goal setting and motivation exercises; some will have you sending copy & paste sales materials to local business owners. By the end of the month you will have built a steady of stream of income that you can rely on for the rest of your life.

Listen: The hardest part of being a local consultant is knowing WHAT to offer a local business. Trying to find a service you can provide yourself is time consuming (not to mention impossible to compete with the big agencies that offer the same thing).

The solution: Don’t do the work yourself! Top agencies are actively looking for consultants who can white label and sell their services for them. This allows them to focus on providing the best service to clients (for a small portion of the fees you charge) and not have to worry about selling new clients.

You will earn huge paychecks connecting the best SEO and marketing agency in the world with the business owner who need them.

Check here: The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro – The Best System That Can Land 3 High-fee Consulting Clients in The Next 30 days… GUARANTEED And Earn $3,000/Month or More In Just 30 Days’ time Using ‘Automated Sales Proposals’!

.The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

Recurring payments received from this challenge

Well if you can give me just an hour of your time each day for the next 30 days, I guarantee that you will land at least 3 high-fee clients like these. 3 clients is more than enough to start earning $10,000 a month in recurring income (that’s $120,000 a year).

The best part, this guarantee requires:

  • NO servicing clients yourself – You will be working for one of the top Agencies on the planet… They are EAGER to hire new freelance consultants and help you build your business. Your job is done once you sign up a client, yet you still collect all the recurring monthly fees.
  • NO Direct selling or ‘cold calling’ – Every business you contact is a warm lead who NEEDS something. All communication is done over email using copy paste emails scripts as well as done-for-you sales proposals for every service you will sell.
  • NO Experience needed – This program is designed to take you from day 1 and walk you through exactly what to do each day to be guaranteed 3 new clients in just 30 days.

Here’s how this whole thing will work:

1. Partner with one of the largest, most respected SEO & marketing agencies on the planet

This top SEO/Marketing agency is desperate to find work-from-home consultants to help them sell their services. They are the service providers behind over 400 digital agencies (many you probably have heard of) in 12 countries and are a registered Google Partner. ANYONE can sign up as a white-label reseller in minutes… Everything is handled in a customer dashboard that is fully branded with YOUR name and company info:

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'! The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

This agency takes a small portion of the fees you collect each month and provides your clients with the best service available in the industry including:

  • Web Design
  • Mobile site design
  • Local SEO
  • PPC management
  • Facebook local marketing (untapped service in high demand)
  • Click-to-call advertising
  • Logo and brand design
  • Facebook ads
  • Bad link cleanup (Most businesses need this and don’t even know it)
  • Content writing (info graphics, video content, blog content)
  • and more…

2. Use simple Google hacks to find businesses who NEED these services…

Simple Google search hacks can turn up thousands of business owners who NEED these services:

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

3. Use custom sales proposals and SEO audits to do the selling for you

Biz owners will be ready to hire you after a single cold email when you ‘audit’ their website first.

Running an SEO audit is easy, just enter a potential client’s URL in the included software:

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'! The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

4. Collect monthly payments into YOUR account, while the agency does all the work.

Once you sign up a new client using these done-for-you sales proposals your job is done! The marketing agency takes a small portion of the fees you collect to do the hard work servicing for you.

This is a win/win/win partnership:

  • THEY want to focus on providing the best service to local business owners, and have their consultants (YOU) do the work landing clients.
  • THEY only keep about 10-20% of the fees
  • YOU focus on getting new clients and growing your business knowing all the real work is handled for you.
  • YOU keep 80-90% of the client’s high monthly fees.
  • YOUR CLIENTS get the best service in the industry with everything branded in your name.

Students are building 6-7 figure consulting businesses letting this agency handle the work for them:

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

Here’s everything you are getting in the 3 clients in 30-days challenge:

Massive consulting business in a box:

WordPress website themes to make your brand look professional from day 1:

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'! The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'! The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

You’re also getting EVERYTHING you need to run your local consulting business:

  • On-Page SEO Checklist and analysis report – Ensures that you have all the client’s information that you need in order for the reseller service to rank their site on Google’s first page.
  • Sales checklist – Never miss an importnat detail when sending a sales proposla to a client. Follow this checklist and you will increase the chances of closing every prospect you reach out too.
  • Sample non-disclosure and work agreements – Protect yourself with the proper legal forms to ensure you get paid on time from every client, and they know EAXCTLY what they are getting in return.
  • Web-design client questionaiire and FAQ – Quickly get everything you need form the client to have the agency designing their website so you get paid faster (eliminates the back and forth design chaegs that kill deals)
  • Copy/paste email scripts that take you from introduction, all the way to closed sale.
  • Upsell, cross sell, and follow up scripts – Earn more money from every client you land with these upsell templates proven to double the fee’s you earn from every client

All the additional training you will ever need:

The 3 Clients In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro - Earn $10,000 Or More Using 'Automated Sales Proposals'!

  • 30-days of learn-by-doing training for new consultants:
    Follow along in this daily training series to land your first 3 high-fee clients in just 30 days from right now. You will know everything you need to do each day to land 3 consulting clients and earn $10,000 per month or more. Just follow the instructions each week as I take you through the process of setting up your business the right way… selling your initial clients with included copy/paste sales materials… AND upselling them additional services so you are earning top dollar from each client that signs up. This is how the top 1% of consultants are earning fortunes with only a handful of clients.
  • In days 1-10 of the 30-day challenge
    You’ll get your consulting business set up the right way and avoid all the mistakes that rookie consultants make that stonewall them from landing the big-ticket clients. Learn the daily habits and motivational tools you need to follow through and start earning a real income while making the whole process fun. You’ll master the time management system I use to get the most productivity out of every hour you spend on your business. (Get more accomplished in an hour than most people do in days). Get up to speed on the automated sales system that generates client audits and proposals for you. In an hour you’ll be creating top tier proposals for clients that will demand high fees. By the end of the first 10 days YOU will be finding potential clients and sending them sales proposals.
  • In days 11-20 of the 30-day challenge
    You’ll be following a daily routine of finding new potential clients, and sending out sales proposals.
    • First you will be using an automated proposal generator to create a sales proposal for each prospective client you find in one of my magic lead sources.
    • The proposal does all the selling; YOU just have to run the reports for each business in the lead sources.
    Remember: Selling anything to local business owners is a numbers game. NOT everyone will buy your service just because you sent them a proposal. You must send at least 5-6 proposals a day in order to land a consulting client. The more you send out, the faster you will start earning your fees.
    • For every 20 proposals, you send out, you can generally expect 10 to respond back to you.
    • 3 of the replies will be asking to hire you, and out of those 3, 1 will usually come through and send you a payment.
    • The other 7 replies will be grateful for your proposal (they are designed to provide value to the biz owner), and might even be willing to provide you with a referral.
    • On average, each of the services I sell nets me around $3,000 per month.
    Think about it: If sending just 20 carefully crafted sales proposals resulted in a client paying $3,000 per month… How many proposals would you take the time to send out?
    • 100 proposals would net you 5 clients earning $15,000 per month (a 6-figure income) …
    • 1,000 proposals would net you 50 clients, earning $150,000 per month (a 7-figure income) …
    • How fast will you send out that first batch of 20 proposals?
    Most students usually land their first client by day 20… You’ll learn the easiest way to close the deal, and automatically collect your monthly fees via PayPal or bank draft.
  • In days 21-30 of the 30-day challenge
    You will be collecting payments from your first batch of consulting clients and sending them upsell proposals to earn even more money from each business owner. These proposals are in a copy/paste format and are just as easy to use as the first proposal.
    You’ll learn about all the extra services you can offer a business like:
    • SEO friendly webhosting
    • Social media management
    • Link cleanup
    • And dozens of other services that completely handled for you and command high fees.

You give me an hour a day for 30 days I’ll give you 3 high-fee clients GUARANTEED!

If you commit to following these instructions for an hour a day for 30 days, I am willing to guarantee your satisfaction, and your results.

MOST people are not action takers… They let opportunity after opportunity pass by and have nothing but excuses as to why they can’t.

  • They are too busy…
  • They don’t know how to get started…
  • They don’t know how to get started…
  • They don’t have the ‘motivation’ to follow through…

With the 3 clients in 30-day challenge there are NO excuses.

  • YOU have everything you need to run this business including sales proposals, website templates, and work agreements
  • YOU can spend just an hour a day on this opportunity – Maybe a half hour in the morning while you have your coffee, and a half hour on your laptop before bed.
  • YOU have every step laid out for you – follow each step day by day. From setting up your business on day 1, all the way to landing 3 clients and earning a steady 6-figure income in just 30 days.

Follow the instructions each day and you WILL see results.

Warning: Don’t Try This on Your Own!

It has taken me 5 years of trial and error to develop this system. Finding the right Local marketing service to resell… The most receptive source of local business leads AND the best sales materials to get the deal closed without hassles. I suffered through countless rejection, spam complaints, and pissing people off to find the right combination of salesmanship and personality. These done-for-you sales materials generate a 50% response when sent to the right prospects… Prospects that are easy to find when you know the sources.

Don’t waste time trying to duplicate this system, don’t risk burning valuable business contacts and potential clients by sending them the wrong sales offer to learn this method the hard way. I mean why go through all that trial and error when I have already done the hard work for you?

You can benefit from my 5 years of trial and error and simply use what works. This is how you shortcut your way to success… by modeling proven methods.

Just imagine it: Each morning you wake up and review your tasks for the day. Some days it will be writing a list of goals or watching a fun motivational video. Other days you will copy & paste some proven sales materials and send them to business owners you found from one of my ‘low hanging fruit’. You can complete these tasks when it’s convenient for you… Maybe during a lunch break, when the boss isn’t looking or at night before you go to sleep. After just a few weeks you’ll start seeing replies from business owners in your inbox… Biz owners who want the service you are offering and are ready to pay whatever price to get it. You’ll be singing them up for a monthly payment, and sending a portion of that payment to the service center will are ready and eager to work with and take care of your clients. In exactly one month from right now, you will have landed at LEAST 3 of these clients, each paying a deposit direct to your PayPal or bank account… With more coming each month. This happens faster thank you think…

I mean, can you think back a month ago, when you may have been sitting right where you are now?

Doesn’t seem like a lot of time, does it?

Now picture yourself exactly 30 days from right now… You took an hour each day to complete the 30-day challenge. You’ve landed 3… 5… even 10 consulting clients each paying you $3,000 or more into your account. You check your bank account this morning and saw an extra $10,000 in there from the fees you’ve collected. Your bills for the next month are already paid from the residual payments these clients will be paying you.

Want to See This System In Action?

I’ll Do You One Better… Try It For Free!

With my 60 day ‘triple’ guarantee you can try this system for a full 60 days on me.

  • If at any time during the next 60 days you decide this isn’t for you…
  • If you don’t book at least 3 new consulting clients…
  • Or even if you just don’t like my color choices in the book… Any reason at all…

Send me an email with the word ‘refund’ and I will send you back every penny… With no questions and no hassles.

You even keep the book and all the bonuses. Sound fair enough?

You need to move fast on this right now though, the early bird pricing is going to disappear fast.

Here’s what to do now: Click on the add to cart button below, fill out your PayPal information on the next page and click buy button. After you complete your checkout, you will be given immediate access to The first step in the 3 clients in 30 days challenge:


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does this work outside the U.S.?
A: YES! As long as you can open a PayPal account you can earn money as a consultant… no matter where you live. All the details are provided in the course.

Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up businesses?)
A: YES! You can do it all from your computer. Remember, business owners are busy, too, so they’re happy to avoid a face-to-face meeting and get signed up over the phone or email via PayPal.

Q: Is there any upsell or OTO?
A: Everything you need to get started as a consultant for local businesses is included in this program. NO Additional purchase is needed to make money! After purchasing you will have the option of buying extra sales materials to help you grow your business, yet these are only needed if you want to grow your business beyond 6-firgures.

Q: Can I get private coaching?
A: Yes! I will partner with you and help you launch a product of your own similar to this one. The cost of this coaching program is $2,500. If you are interested (and can afford my fee) give me a call and I will give you all the details 212-203-0374.

Q: Are there any other costs involved?
A: NO! You can get started as a consultant with no other out of pocket expense. I handle my entire business from my Gmail account, which is a free email provider. All it takes is a few hours work each week sending out these emails in order to see results

Q: How much money can I make?
A: There is no guarantee you will make any money when trying to sell services to business owners, in fact most new consultants don’t make any money at all because they take little action and give up quickly. That said, my coaching students have been earning anywhere from a few thousand dollars per month to over 7 figures a year selling consulting services to local business owners over emails. It all depends on how many clients you are willing to work with:

Q: How do I get paid?
A: This program will teach you how to invoice business owners through PayPal and bill them every month. Once set up, you never have to worry about collecting money from your clients, everything is handled securely and automatically by PayPal.

Q: How fast can I get paid?
A: How fast you can get paid depends on how much action you take. First time consultants have been getting paid in as little as 36 hours from starting when they follow the instructions.

Click the button below now, and get started TODAY so you can experience REAL financial freedom by this time next month:

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