StoryPal Software – No1 Google AMP Visual Stories Builder!

StoryPal Software Review

The First-Ever Complete Visual AMP storytelling SaaS software for the open web

Hi, James here…  Today I’m going to share with you a brand new software tool called “StoryPal” that makes it easy to get BIG RESULTS with Google AMP web stories without needing any technical skills…

As we know, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, and Snapchat stories disappear after 24 hours and to retain these stories a user needs to repost them or save them to his or her profile. In contrast to that, AMP stories do not disappear in 24 hours, in fact, the user has control over the longevity of the stories.

AMP Stories Are Searchable and Shareable: Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat stories are not searchable on the web and can be shared on their respective and sister sites only, while AMP stories are searchable and shareable across the web. Huge SEO Opportunity – One unique thing I am excited about is the SEO opportunity since this is an initiative of google, all thanks to StoryPal for making this easy for all to start publishing web stories…

Google now has a dedicated carousel of Visual Stories in its search results – a space in Google SERPs. This is surely a major change for SEO. Making this content format a sure-fire way to boost traffic and rank higher this 2020 and beyond.

Why Contemporary Readers Needs Visual Web Stories:

  • Have shorter attention spans and declining reading habits, due to information overload
  • Can’t stay focused due to competing demands on their time
  • Often skim through long articles on websites rather than reading them carefully
  • Prefer short summaries over long-form content
  • Recall information longer when it’s visual than textual
  • Are increasingly visually-oriented and want crisp yet visually attractive content
  • More likely to trust the content that is in a well-designed visual presentation format rather than a text-heavy one

And The good news is… Google recently launched an initiative that allows you to create stories just like you see on social media that can be shared all over the web. With Google AMP stories, you’re able to create Instagram-like stories and have them on your website giving you full control!

Google now has a dedicated carousel of Visual Stories in its search results. Making this content format a sure-fire way to boost traffic and rank higher this 2020 and beyond. These brand new Google AMP Web Stories are the wave of the future and people absolutely love engaging with these Stories…

Wouldn’t it be great to leverage the power of stories all across the web to help you boost engagement, get free traffic, and make sales?

Imagine if you could go beyond just social media and have your stories all over the internet… The good news is… You can!

What is StoryPal?

StoryPal is a visual storytelling SaaS software for the open web, that expanded the new Google AMP Stories Technology – which provides content publishers with a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories. StoryPal takes everything that’s great about AMP stories and makes them better, more engaging, and easier to create with a few clicks of your mouse. AMP Stories provides content publishers with a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories.

In the last couple of years, “Stories” has become wildly popular on Snapchat and Instagram, so much so that Facebook declared it’ll focus more on Stories than the news feed. Even as Stories rose in popularity to become the most sought-after format, it had remained locked in the walled gardens of social media apps. But now the format has become available for the open Web, thanks to AMP Stories, an initiative by Google. Now even you can publish Instagram-like Stories on your own website – Powered By StoryPal!

Web stories score high on web performance as well as user engagement metrics and prove to be a futuristic content format that’s set to rule the web.

Features And Benefits Of StoryPal

Main Features

StoryPal Is Loaded With Features Designed To Save You Time, Get You FREE Viral Traffic, And Make You Money

  • Makes AMP Stories Even Better
    StoryPal takes everything that’s great about AMP stories and makes them better, more engaging, and easier to create with a few clicks of your mouse.
  • Stories Are Search Engine Friendly And Rank Fast
    Because AMP stories are an initiative of Google, all the stories you create with StoryPal are search engine friendly, which means you can easily get FREE traffic because your stories will rank quickly in the search engines.
  • Connect Your Domain – Hosting DFY
    StoryPal users can connect their custom websites, blogs or subdomains and create custom stories with their own domain. They can also add their custom favicon. All stories are hosted and secured for Free
  • No Time Limit On Stories
    Unlike Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, and Snapchat stories that go away in 24 hours, the stories you create with StoryPal STICK and stay live as long as you want them to so you get more shares, more free traffic.
  • Easily Embed Stories On Any Website
    The stories you create are designed to get you results, so they can be embedded or shared across websites and apps all over the web.
  • 100% Newbie-Friendly Software
    No technical skills or design experience is needed because creating web stories with StoryPal is as easy as a click of your mouse.
  • Professional – Fast and Easy Editor
    The StoryPal Story Editor offers the perfect set of easy to use features to get started into this vertical world with professional stories in minutes. Drag & drop makes creating your stories a bliss and even beginners can quickly publish compelling stories.
  • Hyper-Fast Loading Speeds
    Because loading speed is everything these days, your newly created stories load quickly so your audience stays engaged and entertained
  • No Website Required
    Although you can embed your newly created stories on any website, you don’t need to have a website to get big results with StoryPal… Create stories and then generate a shareable URL… we’ll host your stories for you!
  • Premium Templates
    Our Story Editor comes with a variety of pre-built templates so you can achieve stunning results in seconds. You can also create your own.
  • Add GDPR Consent
    Give visitors the option to accept your cookie and GDPR policy. Determine if the user should be asked to interact with the control and capture the user’s consent decision
  • Rich Media Library
    Library of millions of visually rich and immersible images, gifs, videos, icons, illustrators, vectors and you can also upload from your resource and computer.
  • Connect To Live Camera
    Easily connect to your computer camera or device to create live stories.
  • 1-Click Social Sharing
    And because web Stories are all about sharing and going viral, you can add sharing buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp. Pinterest, Tumblr, Linked… even email and SMS…
  • Add Call To Actions (CTAs)
    You can also add a custom call to action (CTA) to any of your stories… Link to anything you want and when the viewer clicks your CTA it will redirect them instantly… (This is a great way to build your list or make affiliate sales)
  • Offline-to-Online Experience
    By scanning a QR code built into the app, you are sent to the AMP Stories and receive additional information about the product in the format of a story. You can then start an immersive product experience from your phone or any device.
  • Most Complete AMP Story Creation Tool Ever Released
    When you combine the included templates, the Drag and Drop editor and the Rich Media Library that includes MILLIONS of images, gifs, videos, icons, illustrations, and vectors, you’ll have everything you need to create stunning stories without any design or technical skills needed on your part.
  • Different Story Creation Format
    Create stories from scratch fast, create unique stories from any website URL, blog posts in minutes. And create stories from RSS feeds, add redirect or clickable links to the full posts.


Why You Need StoryPal?

  • Quickly create web stories that people will love
  • Leverage’s Google’s AMP Story platform for easy top search engine rankings that get tons of FREE traffic
  • Easy-to-use app makes story creation as simple as a few clicks of your mouse
  • Includes stunning templates that are PROVEN to get results
  • No website or hosting required when you use StoryPal
  • Built-in social sharing makes it easy to jumpstart free viral traffic
  • Everything is fully customizable and you can even add CTAs
  • Create stories & get it indexed on Google instantly.
  • Powered by Google’s AMP Story technology for easy search engine rankings that get tons of FREE traffic
  • No website or hosting required with StoryPal
  • Huge demands for website stories over scrolling articles
  • Fully customizable and you can add CTAs to stories

How to use

StoryPal work in just 4 steps

  • STEP #1 – Login to your easy to use StoryPal dashboard, nothing to install.
  • STEP #2 – Select custom templates, create from scratch, from any website URL or RSS feeds to generate stunning web stories.
  • Step #3 – Use the built-in drag and drop editor to customize your story with just a few clicks
  • Step #4 – Publish, embed and sit back as your story gets shared and ranks in the search engines for FREE traffic

Demo Video

Watch The Demo Video Below To See StoryPal In Action…

My Bonus

Get These Bonuses Valued At $759 For FREE When You Get StoryPal Right Now

  • BONUS #1 – eSales Power Network
    Each year we see an increase in online sales. Retailers and distributors who have not yet moved to online selling are lagging behind- all the more so in a world where people are now confined to their homes. ESPN allows you to help these retailers by bringing their products to a network of 2000+ online sellers- saving their businesses and making you money in the process.
    You will be armed with a comprehensive video training guides on how to use and create eye catching and high converting stories. This will be a hold me by the hand to advance stories creation.
    Create high quality GIFs without watermark from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram and hundreds of sites that have embedded videos. Select from large number of fonts and add text to GIF


In my opinion, I think Storypal is absolutely amazing! The workflow in setting up your story is so easy even a non-techie can do it! You can easily create your story page using the custom, website, rss and template feature. When you have completed your story, then you have not one single option, but a wide array of options on where you want your story to be viewed. This is a MUST have tool that you will be sure to enjoy as well as those who view your story.

3 Reasons Why You Need To Get StoryPal Right Now

  1. REASON #1: The price is going up – Very soon we’ll be charging a monthly fee for access to this powerful software
  2. REASON #2: When you get StoryPal right now, you’ll get access to over $759 in bonuses for FREE
  3. REASON #3: Web Stories are the wave of the future and the sooner you get started with this, the sooner you can start getting big results

Also, We guarantee that StoryPal Software will work flawlessly for you. That’s why we’re giving you a full 30 days Money back guarantee to make sure this is for you. If you have any issues using StoryPal that our support team can’t resolve for you, just let us know within 30 days, and we’ll send you a refund. You have NO RISK when you get StoryPal right now!

Frequently Asked Questions

» Is StoryPal newbie friendly?
Yes. When you use StoryPal to create web stories, you don’t need any special technical or design skills to create stunning stories that people will love, engage with, and share with others.

» Are there templates included?
Absolutely. You get access to 30 story templates to use at starting point. These templates are professionally designed, proven to get massive engagement, and they look stunning.

» Do I really need StoryPal to create stories?
Although you can create AMP stories without StoryPal – if you are a developer. But, you’ll miss out on many of the features that will save you time, ensure your stories go viral and get shared, and make it easier than ever for you to monetize your stories.

» What kind of results can I expect when I get StoryPal?
-Save time creating stunning stories that people will love
-Increase engagement
-With StoryPal your stories will get shared more and have a much better chance of going viral
-Add a CTA (Premium) that makes it point-and-click simple to monetize your stories

» Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Yes. If you have any issues using StoryPal that our support team can’t resolve, you have a full 30 days to request a refund.

» Does this work for Mac and PC?
Yes. StoryPal works for Mac, PC, Tablet and on all mobile devices since this is a cloud-based application. It can be accessed anywhere in the world.

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