Sendley Review By Ankit Mehta – Best World’s Most Powerful Cloud-Based Messaging & Autoresponder Software To Make a Huge Profit From 3 of The Best Marketing Channels And Automatically Generate Messenger Leads, Create AI bots, Send Unlimited emails, Send SMS Worldwide all under one central dashboard

Sendley Review By Ankit Mehta – Best World’s Most Powerful Cloud-Based Messaging & Autoresponder Software To Make a Huge Profit From 3 of The Best Marketing Channels And Automatically Generate Messenger Leads, Create AI bots, Send Unlimited emails, Send SMS Worldwide all under one central dashboard

What is Sendley?

Sendley is the most powerful 3-in 1 autoresponder! This brand new app is extremely powerful as it integrates with the latest cutting edge technologies. Sendley was created by Ankit Mehta and Anjali Adlakha. With over 10 years of experience in development and marketing and helping over 25000 happy repeated customers in multiple niches of email marketing, social, messenger, graphics, mobile app, and other video apps … Sendley can expand your reach to your potential buyers where they are from messenger, email, SMS from a single cloud-based platform in the EASIEST WITHOUT burning your money monthly on multiple autoresponders. This is the perfect solution to completely replace any other autoresponder or marketing service. So, here is the crux of what Sendley can do for you: 100% Deliverability, Higher Open Rates, More Clicks, 3x More Ecomm Sales, Unlimited Lead Generation, Speak With 100s of Thousands, Unlimited Emails, Unlimited Messenger Chatbot/Broadcast, Unlimited SMS, Give Unlimited Support, Available 24/7, Auto Working Bots, Multilingual, No Monthly Pay, And 30+ Features. This is easy to use and however, there are a lot of training videos on how to use the system. And even if you still have trouble, these guys have a team of expert in support to help you so you can boost your conversions up to 250%. And in just In one click, Sendley will sync all your previous subscribers from previous chat platforms and messenger inbox and import them into your new dashboard. Sendley is a must-have Autoresponder for any niche, market, or business size whether it is e-commerce, retail, blogger, real estate, restaurant and cafe, travel. medical care, video marketing or e-learning! There are a lot of features that I can’t tell in this email …you have to checkout yourself and experience it. I guarantee No other autoresponder will provide all these features in one time low investment.

Sendley Autoresponder software is Is perfect for Email Marketing. This software can can import unlimited lists, leads, or contacts, Generate new Emails or build messenger subscribers, Create unlimited email marketing campaigns, Sync all previous subscribers from previous chat platforms and messenger inbox and import in 1 click, Send personalized Messages and Emails using predefined or custom tag, Send or schedule news and updates to Subscribers with Non-Promotional Broadcasts, And integration available with multiple Autoresponders to directly collect leads. Sendley also perfect for SMS Marketing! it can automatically Create unlimited SMS marketing campaigns, Generate New SMS leads or build messenger subscribers, Accept orders right through Messenger or SMS with Complete inventory reports. In a nutshell, Sendley is the last marketing platform you will need! This is amazing tools also Let the Chatbots work for 24/7 you! Use bots to collect Phone Numbers and Emails and more additional info, Use the most engaging chat platform to answer support questions, Add the Bots to tour site or plugin integration to recover lost sales, Create unlimited Facebook messenger campaigns, Turn all the people commenting on your page into messenger leads, Automatically reply to comments on your pages and post by Keyword filter, And Much Much More! Now you don’t need to pay $500/month for multiple apps like Aweber, Getresponse,Manychat, Mobilemonkey or any other SMS platform. Sendley is addresses the needs of every business and marketer and expands your reach to 3.5 billion customers. Whether you are in e-commerce, retail, blogger, real estate, restaurant and cafe, travel, medical care, video marketing, or e-learning. It gives an interconnected and Omni channel experience that works 24X7 closing sales, getting leads, and more clients. Grab your copy now!

Grab your copy here: Sendley Review By Ankit Mehta – Best Autoresponder to make a huge profit from 3 of the best marketing channels that Generate Messenger Leads, Create AI bots, Send Unlimited emails, Send SMS Worldwide all under one central dashboard.

Key Features of Sendley

  • Generate Qualified leads
    Genenerate new emails and SMS leads or build messenger subscribers, with sendley you can craete all these by just one time setup.
  • Send Personalized Messages
    Send messages and emails with user’s name, email, place or even birthday, just select from predefined tags or craete your custom tag and use it.
  • Collect orders, Book Appointments
    Accept orders right through messenger or SMS with complete inventory and details reports, all under one central dashboard
  • Collect email, phone numbers and more
    Use bots to collect phone numbers and emails and more additional info you want to convert the maximum visitors.
  • Send Unlimited Emails
    We do not charge your for your success, send unlimited emails without any limit on number of emails daily or monthly.
  • Answer Support Questions
    Use the most engaging chat platform to provide support to your custoemrs, answer presale questions, send quotes and close more clients.
  • Recover Lost Sales
    Add the bots to your site or plugin integration to send message to visitors who abandoned the cart and get 150% more sales.
  • Send SMS worldwide
    Connect your favorite SMS API and send messages worldwide. Sendley effectively manages all the phone leads, sort them according to country and locale.
  • Sync Previous Subscribers
    In one click, sendley will sync all your previous subscribers from previous chat platforms and messenger inbox and import in your new dashboard.
  • Import Leads via CSV
    Upload your existing leads and phone numbers inside dashboard and send broadcast to them without any approval process.
  • Share news and updates
    Send or schedule news and updates to your subscribers witht non-promotional broadcasts and increase engagement and brand reputation.
  • Reply to comments automatically
    Automaticaly reply comments on your pages and post by keyword filer or turn all the people commenting on your page into messenger leads to send message later

Now you can automate Messenger, Email, SMS – in just 3 Simple Steps 

  • STEP 1 : Connect
    Connect your pages to sendley. or upload you existing emails/SMS Subscribers without any approval.
  • STEP 2 : Engage
    Create chatbots, send automated replies, send automated emails/SMS, schedule broadcasts or blast one time.
  • STEP 3 : Convert
    Convert all your leads, post commenters, get more open and click rates, and grow your business with tools that your competition isn’t using. You can now login to just ONE dashboard and skyrocket your profits

Let’s check Sendley demo video below to see it in action!

More amazing features of Sendley

Facebook Messenger Features

  • Send Unlimited Messenger Broadcasts: 1-Click message broadcast and scheduling, Subscriber segment broadcast, Send promotional messages, & Broadcast templates.
  • Comments to Commerce: Auto Comment on Posts as Page, One-time & Repeat Comment, Auto Comment Templates, Emoji Picker, Comment Automation and Scheduing, & Convert Post commentors as subscribers.
  • Let the “bots” work for you: Auto Private Reply for commments, Auto comment reply on comments, Auto like the comment, Word base filtering for private reply and comment reply, Subscriber Segmentation, Chatbot widget on websites, FAQ builder, & Emoji Library.
  • Visual Follow Up Messenger Sequence: Send instant or delayed or reply, Welcome Messages, & Chat with Human Settings.
  • Send Media Rich Messages: Text, Images, Video, GIF, Button, & Caraousel.
  • Quick Reply Your Subscribes with: URLs, Button, Call Button, Brithday, & Location.
  • Make Your FB Ads 3X Profitable: Click to messenger Ads, Turn them into subscribers, & Send automated sequence for leads, collecting payments or keep the conversation going.
  • eComm Goldmine: Qualify leads, Send order updates, Book Appointments, & Answer comment questions.
  • Plug into the tools you already use: Connect Sendley with Mutlitple autresponders to directy collect leads without any manual hassle, Send the auatomated email sequence or broadcast.

Email Marketing Features

  • Import Subscribers: Import Email Leads from CSV, Tags and Advanced Segmentation, & No approval process.
  • Send Unlimited Emails: Send or schedule email campaigns, Drag and Drop email editor, Rich and plain text editor, Click and open rate stats.
  • Advanced Messenger Targetting: Send email to list generated through messenger, Send emails by pages subscription, &Send by time zone, locale and gender.
  • SMTP Integration: Sendgird, Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, & Any other SMTP.

SMS Marketing Features

  • Import Phone Numbers: Import Email Leads from CSV, Tags and Advanced Segmentation, & No approval process.
  • Send Unlimited Emails: Send or schedule email campaigns, Drag and Drop email editor, Rich and plain text editor, & Click and open rate stats.
  • Advanced Messenger Targetting: Send email to list generated through messenger, Send emails by pages subscription, Send by time zone, locale and gender.
  • SMTP Integration: Twillio, Nexmo, Plivo, RouteMobile, Custom SMS API.

Benefits of Sendley

  • One Reliable and effective solution
  • Waste less time on planning and more on scaling
  • Get more clicks, sales and conversions
  • Master the skill of Instant Support & Social Media Marketing
  • Closing more clients and happy customers
  • Suitable for any niche, market or business size
  • Manage everything in a Single Dashboard like never beforea

Perfect for anyone

  • E-Commerce
    If you run an ecomm store then you already know how important mobile traffic is. Imagine sending new product notifications, discount notifications and even the cart abandonment notification. You can convert those rare visitors into returning buyers.
  • Retail
    Show your products in a professional style app like the big brands and build trust among your visitors. They can browse your products even if they have limited internet and you can be in constant communication.
  • Blogger
    If you run a blog and want your reader to visit your blog again and again, PWA is a must have for you. Run a digest app like Washington Post or the telegraph without costing an arm and a leg.
  • Real Estate
    Smart Messaging and Reminders of visits or needed checkups with confirmations or re-scheduling, special offer checkup, status check are just a few examples of what you can do with your app users for real estate.
  • Restaurants and Cafes
    Mobile shops for food delivery or pre-ordering, Customer loyalty with points and order history, Promo apps with special offers and ordering actions, Smart messaging into instant communication channels with special offers based on customer ordering history. Possibilities are endless
  • Travel
    Mobile Customer Portals with guidebooks and itineraries, Smart notifications and reminders of time tables and special offers or simply run a reward program
  • Medical Care
    Smart Messaging and Reminders of visits or needed checkups with confirmations or re-scheduling, Medication schedules and history, Payments and insurance claim statuses, Promo apps with deep actions, like a special offer checkup, Chat with doctors and service desk employees and lot more with personal touch
  • Video Marketing
    Convert your existing video blog into PWA to provide smooth playing experience and more engagement. New video notifications can easily convert those random visitors in real followers
  • E-learning
    Do you teach online? Do you have a course which you want to sell? Use Appsbuilderpro to easily make an app of your courses and attract new students from all around the web. Send them notifications for new course or live session time and a lot more

And of course

  • Priority Support
  • No Coding or Technical Skills Required
  • Regular Monthly Updates
  • Complete step-by-step Training
  • Newbie Friendly & Fully Cloud Based Software
  • With Commercial license manage campaigns for your clients

Once you join Sendley, You will be unlocking amazing secret bonuses

This software creates SMS + email+ messenger campaigns, just like any other autoresponder … ONLY BETTER! People check SMS, email, messenger within every 10 minutes… so if you want to make more sales you need this! The best part is: NO competition, Zero bounce rate (100% deliverability), Quick Engagement (people can’t stand not answering the “ding”). This is one of the fastest ways you can move forward and grow your income going into 2021. Need more? You will get an agency license. And charge the other business for the same and you don’t have to pay any monthly fee. So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy here!

SendleyDiscount Coupon Details:

Coupon (first 10 AM EST 28th Nov)
1. EarlySendley15 (10 AM – 2PM)
2. EarlySendley 12 (2PM – 11:59 PM)
3. BlackSendley (29th Dec)
4. CyberSendley (30th Dec)
5. Sendley10
6. Sendley 8
7. LastChance

Frequently Asked Question

Q. I already have Aweber /Mobilemonkey/ SMS Autoresponder, why do I need this?
A. None of them have as many features as Sendley have with some outstanding that nobody has
– 3-In 1 Autoresponder Combines the Power of SMS+Email+FB Messenger
– JUST ONE TIME Low PRICE Saving Hundreds Monthly
– Send Personalized Messages and Emails
– Accept Orders Right through Messenger or SMS
– Use Bots to Collect Phone Numbers and Emails and More
– Connect Your Favorite SMS API And Send Messages Worldwide.
– Automatically Reply To Comments on Your Pages and Post
– Use the Most Engaging Chat Platform to Answer Support Questions
– Add the Bots to Your Site or Plugin Integration to Recover Lost Sales
– Integration Available With Mulitple Autoresponders to Directly Collect Leads
– 20+ More Features That Scale Your Business in Few Minutes

Q. But what about my existing subscribers?
A. No worries… In one click, Sendley will sync all your previous subscribers from previous chat platforms and messenger inbox and import them into your new dashboard.

Q. I’ve never built a chatbot ..or.. My team does it for me.
A. Sendley is easy to use and however, there are a lot of training videos on how to use the system. And even if you still have trouble, these guys have a team of expert in support to help you so you can boost your conversions up to 250%

Q. Does Sendley work for me?
A. Yes! It addresses the needs of every business and marketer and expands your reach to 3.5 billion customers. Whether you are in e-commerce, retail, blogger, real estate, restaurant and cafe, travel, medical care, video marketing, or e-learning. It gives an interconnected and Omni channel experience that works 24X7 closing sales, getting leads, and more clients

Q. I don’t need Messenger/Email/SMS marketing for my business, why shall I invest in it?
A. Sendley is a powerful autoresponder and comes with a Commercial License. If you don’t have any list/subscribers/page for your own business, approach other businesses that do and offer them this instead. Because every business want to scale their reach they will happily pay you.  Sendley is available for an introductory price for the next 24 hours only…don’t miss this chance. Grab your copy here!

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