Facebook Bot Raider Review By Luther Landro – The Best Step-by-Step Training Method That Anyone Can Use To Earn $2,000/ Month From Local Businesses by Selling And Managing Facebook Messenger Bots!

Facebook Bot Raider Review By Luther Landro – Local Biz Owners are Paying $2,000 Per Month For these Facebook Messenger Bots. Help You Set Up Your Home Business Properly And Land Your First Few Paying Clients.

What is Facebook Bot Raider?

Facebook Bot Raider is a step by step program created by an expert local marketers ‘Luther Landro‘ that anyone can use to earn $2,000 per month from local businesses by selling and managing Facebook messenger bots. If you are a newbie looking to earn your first dollar from home, this package has a step by step guide to help you set up your home business properly and land your first few paying clients. If you are an established consultant, this will give you a new service to offer and land new clients being the first out the door with a new product. Stop cold calling and start using bots to close 1 in 5 businesses you approach. If you work for a big agency, this will walk you through how to use bots to service your current clients, as well as use them to grow your client base and your agency’s revenue.

A simple demo is all it takes to sell this brand new service:

Do you think that spam emailing local business owners selling the same service as countless other consultants is the way to build a home business?

If you want to stop wasting time with dead strategies and start getting paid ridiculous fees for a service that is in demand with little competition, then you need to read the case studies on this page and take careful notes. That’s because countless local business owners are lining up down the block… willing and eager to pay $2,000 a month or more to anyone who can build and manage Facebook messenger bots for their business.

Messenger bot consulting is a service YOU can offer local businesses with all these benefits:

  • NO coding or technical knowledge required – Use online drag-and-drop tools to build your client’s bots (or outsource the work for pennies)
  • NO mass spamming/ cold-emailing businesses… 1 in 5 biz owners are sold with a simple demonstration over Facebook
    Predicted that 80% of businesses will be using this service by 2022 – Meanwhile, MOST companies are not yet set up. This is an untapped market
  • NO competition offering this to small business owners – YOU can be the first person in your local market to provide this service, catering to a hungry market
  • Can be offered to ANY local business niche – Read on to learn the easiest, low hanging fruit industries to target

Messenger bots are fast becoming the biggest gold rush for local businesses since email Autoresponder.

A messenger bot is a small app that automates messages on Facebook messenger. Bots can be used to automate ANY customer interaction that a business wants. This includes making reservations, setting appointments, as well as building a list of subscribers and sending them timed marketing messages (just like email autoresponders but with an 80% open rate (see the experiment below for PROOF)). Facebook Messenger is quickly becoming the most popular way for people to communicate on both desktop and mobile devices. And Unlike email newsletters, businesses can build a list of messenger subscribers in a single touch or click of a button:

Once visitors click the button, they are instantly added to the messenger list, ready to receive marketing messages. Imagine: building a list with: NO opt-in form to fill out, NO confirmation email to wait for, NO spam complaints. Just a single touch or tap on a simple Facebook button. The best part is that once a user is subscribed, marketing messages can be sent automatically to sell whatever promotion the business wants. These sales messages are getting an 80-90% open rate… compare that to the 10-20% open rates that email marketing has been getting as of late.

>> Click Here To Secure Your Copy Of Facebook Bot Raider <<


Check also Local business consultant program from Luther Landro here:
– Effortless Law Office Consulting Formula
– Effortless Google Posts Profits
– The 2021 Outsourcer Rolodex
– LinkedIn Local Raider
– Facebook Realtor Raider
– Effortless Plumber Consulting
– Effortless Dental Consulting

Facebook Bot Raider – Key features

  • Checklist 1: Facebook Bot Creation
    Follow this checklist to create Facebook Messenger Bots the right way. You’ll pick from the list of proven, best-selling bots then learn to set up and customize them to meet any client demands. These bots always deliver on their promise, and clients are paying top dollar to have them implemented in their business. You’ll get them all including: The restaurant delivery bot, The restaurant reservation bot, The appointment setting bot for professional offices, The customer support and sales bot for e-commerce/local stores, The quote generating bots for roofers, flooring, and other contractors, Plus dozens more. Remember: Creating a bot is easy with drag and drop online tools. You’ll be a master after your first bot, having fun creating new bots for clients, and inventing your own unique bots to sell for top dollar.
  • Checklist 2: Client generation checklist
    This checklist is everything you need to land paying clients and selling your bot service for top dollar. Follow along with my Simple Search Formula to select the right prospects – the biz owners who need this service can afford it and are most likely to pay. You’ll be setting up demo bots in under an hour that not only demonstrates the service but also sells the client and closes the deal. You’ll be communicating with clients right through facebook messenger. The entire conversational thread including all rebuttals is included in a copy-paste format that you can use with a bot or directly with clients.
  • Checklist 3: Facebook ad management
    Facebook bots work exceptionally well when combined with powerful Facebook ads that can drive messenger subscribers to the bots. I’ve been charging an extra $2,000 per month for Facebook ad management to help my clients get the most out of the facebook bot they are already paying for. This brings your total client value to $4,000 per month.

Inside Facebook Bot Raider guide By Luther Landro you will discover:

  • How to build a bot consulting business in your spare time with little to no money out of pocket – You can create and run this business discreetly in your spare time… NO one has to know you are building your business until those first checks arrive (that includes a spouse or your current employer)
  • Profitable bot creation formula – Simple formula for creating bots that generate a positive return on your client’s investment. Stick to this system every time you try out a new bot idea to ensure your clients will be more than happy to pay $2,000 per month or more and still see a positive return on their investment. THIS is the real secret to keeping clients happy for the long term without having to continually re-sell your value.
  • How to quickly duplicate our most profitable bots – These bots are currently earning $2,000 per month or more when sold to local businesses. Eliminate the guesswork and start your consulting business with bots that are proven sellers, and deliver on your promise every time.
  • Outsourcing Rolodex and guide to have bots created and managed for pennies – You can take a portion the monthly fees you collect from clients and pay these outsourcing companies to do all the setup and management work for you. Having a cheap but reliable workforce will enable you to build your bot consulting business to any size and income level you desire. These workers specialize in bot development and can customize each bot to meet client demands, allowing you to charge far more fees for custom bot development.
  • Bot pricing model that earns you top dollar while keeping the service affordable for clients – NEVER again haggle for your fees or sell yourself short using my sweet spot pricing formula. This formula is WIN/WIN – You collect top dollar for your service, while the client sees a healthy return on their investment. No guesswork, just apply it with the confidence that you are charging the optimal pricing for your market.
  • Full walkthrough on setting up demo bots that sell clients for you – As you can already see, Facebook Bot Raider are the ultimate sales tool. Use my demo bot strategy to close 1 in 5 biz owners you send it too, eliminating the need for cold calling or hard sales tactics. The bot sells itself by demonstrating its value to the client, handles rejections through the chat interface, closes the deal, AND handles payment set up. This is hands down the most automated way to book consulting clients right now.
  • The secret to 80% open rates with every message – The response from marketing over messenger is beating the pants off of Email. You’ll learn the simple formula we use to maintain 80% open rates on our marketing messages, as well as 13-20% click rates. Drive floods of traffic to your clients offers on demand using our messenger sales formula.
  • Guarantee your bots comply with Facebook’s rules so you never get an account banned – Avoid the embarrassment of getting your account (or worse… a client’s account) BANNED from facebook messenger because you missed out on a small condition that could have been avoided. This section is worth the price of the entire package. Use this mini-checklist with every bot you create to keep you and your client safe.
  • Bot ad copy that generates customers – Copywriting guide for bots – Facebook messenger is a 2-way conversation and requires a different approach than email. You’ll learn the do’s and don’ts when writing sales copy for messenger, keeping a conversational style while generating sales and visits to your client’s location.
  • How to land bot subscribers for under $1 with Facebook ads – Facebook Bot Raider allow you to build a list of subscribers to receive marketing messages with an 80% open rate. Subscribers are added to the list in a single click, unlike email autoresponder that requires forms, confirmation emails, and spam notices. One-click subscriptions make them cheap to acquire with Facebook ads (Client’s have been getting subscribers for under $1 per sub.)
  • How to steal bots from competitors – The best bot ideas are the ones you see working for other businesses. You’ll learn how to duplicate any bot you find a company using on Facebook and sell it to other companies who would benefit from it. (The best way to know something works, is it to see it working for someone else.)
  • The ‘client daycare’ outsourcing company I use to manage my clients – Earn even more money each month from your clients by offering other services they need… SEO, Facebook ad management, Google Places listing management, reputation management… You’ll learn about the outsourcing company I use to do all the servicing of my clients. This company is like a client daycare center – you drop off your client, pay them a small percentage of the fees you collect and let them do all the work. YOU could charge $5,000… $7,000… Even $10,000 a month to local businesses to handle all aspects of their online marketing and pay this company to do the work for you.
  • How to get 3 referrals from every client by offering a small discount – Imagine running your business strictly on referral because every client you land sends you 3 new clients to work with. This is the dream of every consultant, yet few implement a reliable system to incentivize their clients giving them referrals. Don’t leave it to chance… Use my ‘discount referral’ method to grow your business exponentially and never have to cold approach new clients again.

Students have used this system to build 6 and 7 figure bot agencies. We’ve been sharing our success in private facebook bot groups, sharing what works, what doesn’t, and celebrating each others success.

Take a look at what some of them had to say about building bots:

Full insider’s guide to building a messenger bot business. This Facebook Bot Raider guide walks through every detail of building your bots using a drag and drop builder:

  • YOU will be able to build your bots quickly, including custom bots for clients (charge BIG money for custom made bots)
  • YOU will have the contact information for the best bot-building outsourcers allowing you to take on as many clients as you like while having the work done for you.

Here are just some of the bots you’ll learn how to develop:

  • Reservation bot for local restaurants – This bot takes reservations online, lets the customer manage and change their reservations as needed, and sends them a reminder to ensure no reservations go unfulfilled. You can connect this bot to any system the restaurant is currently using like Open Table, or let it work on its own saving the restaurant from having to pay any fees to another service. The BIGGEST selling point is that every time a customer makes a reservation, they are added to the restaurant’s messenger list. This list has an 80% open rate every time the restaurant owner wants to send out a promotion. They will fill their reservations on every holiday or local event they put on by merely messaging this list.
  • Delivery order bot for restaurants – This bot will enable restaurants to take delivery orders right through Facebook messenger. Customers can order directly from the client’s menu, and process their payment all online through messenger. This not only saves the business owner time from having to take orders over the phone (as well as inevitable order mistakes), it can double their delivery orders by making it easier for customers.
  • Birthday promotion bot that automates customer birthday promotions – Add this feature to every bot you make to automatically record the customer’s birthday and send out a coupon offer when it comes. This keeps customers coming back… More importantly, it builds your client’s relationship with their customers (Small gestures like a personalized birthday coupon is the real secret to creating customers for life)
  • Holiday coupon bots to drive business every holiday – Many businesses (especially restaurants) generate the majority of their revenue over holidays. This bot will send the client’s promotion to their list over messenger and handle any sales, appointments, or reservations that come as a result. (Clients have seen a 20-30% response with this bot, compared to an average 4% response with an email newsletter)
  • Appointment setting bot for doctors… lawyers… financial planners… or any office professional that lives and dies by the number of appointments they set – Secretaries are expensive, can’t work 24/7, and miss out on appointments because they can only answer one phone call at a time. This bot has allowed my clients to eliminate the need for a secretary while boosting the number of appointments they land. At $2,000 per month, this bot pays for itself many times over, flooding clients with more appointments than they can handle. Facebook Bot Raider
  • Appointment reminder bot that saves appointments – There is nothing more frustrating to a local business than customers who miss their appointments. Having a bot that follows up with reminders saves the owner time, money, and the frustration of having holes in their busy schedule (plus it saves them from having to have a secretary to do this manually).
  • Home remodeling quote bot – contractors, roofers, and all construction companies need qualified leads coming, and this bot delivers. The bot sells your clients fees by building a custom quote, and pre-qualifies each prospect that chats with the bot so only the most qualified ready-to-buy leads reach your client saving them the time of having to talk to tire kickers on the phone.
  • Buyer’s guide bot that generates e-commerce sales – Generate e-commerce sales for your own Shopify store OR help local mom and pop stores sell online using bots to do the selling for them (this can double the size of a local store by opening their business to customers all over the globe. Bots + Shopify is a powerful combination, and these bots integrate with Shopify seamlessly.)

You can Land clients with Facebook Bot Raider in just 3 simple steps:

  1. Bot Raider Step 1: Identify the most receptive, ready to cut a check for bots business owners.
    The first step is to pick the businesses you will be selling too. After pitching thousands of business we have identified ‘patterns’ in the ones that say yes, and the ones that say no. A simple search pattern directly on Facebook is all it takes to find the most receptive local business prospects BEFORE you start selling any bots. This is a sniper’s sales approach as opposed to the usual machine gun method… Carefully lining up your shot for the perfect target before you pull the trigger, rather than mass spamming like some sales machine gun hoping you hit your mark. (Targeting the right prospects is the REAL secret to closing 1 in 5 as clients)
  2. Bot Raider Step 2: Create a demo bot to do the selling for you.
    Messenger bots can help clients land new customers… They can also be used to help YOU sell new clients. We’ve worked out the perfect bot sales funnel that demonstrates the benefits directly to the client and uses a pre-written sales pitch to close the deal. This bot will handle the client’s payments as well, so you only have to deal with them after you’ve been paid. Bots are created using a drag and drop builder, and I’ve included a full walkthrough that will have you building your first bot in under an hour (You’re also getting the contact information of outsourcers I use personally to build my client’s bots.) NO coding needed… NO web hosting or other technical stuff… NO previous experience needed… Building bots are easy and also fun! After you set up your first bot, you’ll enjoy coming up with new ideas, building them out, and seeing your bots come to life. Facebook Bot Raider
  3. Bot Raider Step 3: Message business owners on Facebook and let the bot do the work!
    Once you have identified the best prospects and set up a demo bot your job is done! Just send the pre-written message out to the prospect and let the bot do all the selling and payment handling for you.

Each of the 3 steps have been put into a ‘raider’ checklist making it easy for you to follow.

My ‘raider’ checklist series has been the best selling and best-reviewed products that I’ve ever released. Customers from all walks of life are seeing results:

Clients are eager to pay this extra fee to make the most out of the bot service:

  • Full Bot marketing business in a box kit
    I include all the graphics and design work you need to start your bot marketing agency from scratch. You can hit the ground running with everything you need to start a professional bot agency from day one.

This pack includes: Business cards, Envelopes, Invoices, Letterhead, Bot logo, Notepad graphics, Web & print ready, Photoshop, Illustrator and raw image files included. The checklists and the graphics pack are all you need to hit the ground running and start offering bots to local business owners. However, I want to make sure that you go in knowing everything you need to not only start this business but to grow it to any income level you desire. I’ve taken all of my experience selling bots to businesses and put it into a tell-all guide. This insiders guide shares every tip and trick I have learned over the past year, allowing you to put them to work for you and avoid the most common pitfalls I had learn the hard way.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Does this work outside the U.S.?
A: YES! As long as you can open a PayPal account, you can earn money as a consultant… no matter where you live. All the details are provided in the course.

Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up businesses?)
A: YES! You can do it all from your computer. Remember, business owners are busy, too, so they’re happy to avoid a face-to-face meeting and get signed up over the phone or email via PayPal.

Q: Is there any upsell or OTO?
A: Everything you need to get started as a consultant for local businesses is included in this program. NO Additional purchase is required to make money! After purchasing you will have the option of buying extra sales materials to help you grow your business, yet these are only needed if you want to build your business beyond 6-figures.

Q: Are there any other costs involved?
A: NO! You can get started as a consultant with no other out of pocket expense. I handle my entire business from my Gmail account, which is a free email provider. All it takes is a few hours work each week sending out these emails to see results

Q: How much money can I make?
A: There is no guarantee you will make any money when trying to sell services to business owners, in fact, most new consultants don’t make any money at all because they take little action and give up quickly. That said, my coaching students have been earning anywhere from a few thousand dollars per month to over 7 figures a year selling consulting services to local business owners over emails. It all depends on how many clients you are willing to work with.

Q: How do I get paid?
A: This program will teach you how to invoice business owners through PayPal and bill them every month. Once set up, you never have to worry about collecting money from your clients; everything is handled securely and automatically by PayPal.

Q: How fast can I get paid?
A: How fast you can get paid depends on how much action you take. First-time consultants have been getting paid in as little as 36 hours from starting when they follow the instructions.

Conclusion + Download Link

Facebook Bot Raider Review By Luther Landro – Can you imagine waking up tomorrow KNOWING that your bills for next month are already paid? All because of a few Facebook Messages you sent out the week before… This feeling of security comes from one thing: Action. You must take action on this to see results. Take an hour each day for the next 60 days to go through the training and follow the instructions. Some days will be simple goal setting and motivation exercises; some will have you sending copy & paste sales materials to local business owners. By the end of the month, you will have built a steady stream of income that you can rely on for the rest of your life. So, what are you waiting for? Get started TODAY so you can experience REAL financial freedom by this time next month.

Click Here To Secure Your Copy Of Facebook Bot Raider:

Facebook Bot Raider Review By Luther Landro -The Best Step-by-Step Training Method That Anyone Can Use To Earn $2,000/ Month From Local Businesses by Selling And Managing Facebook Messenger Bots!

Check also Local business consultant program from Luther Landro here:
– Effortless Law Office Consulting Formula
– Effortless Google Posts Profits
– The 2021 Outsourcer Rolodex
– LinkedIn Local Raider
– Facebook Realtor Raider
– Effortless Plumber Consulting
– Effortless Dental Consulting


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