ClickAgency Software – World-Class Technology Builds a Lead Generation Business For You Using A.I.-Based Technology

ClickAgency Software Review

Ready To Grab Your Slice of a $135 Billion Dollar Industry?

Hey, it’s Ben Murray and Brad Stephens

In our combined 21+ years of marketing, we’ve made millions of dollars and had the good fortune of helping over 60,000 customers get real results. After evaluating what worked and what doesn’t… we can confirm that the easiest way to build a legitimate business from scratch in 2020 is starting your own lead generation agency. Reports show the industry is worth $135 billion in the U.S. alone, and being able to drive leads consistently online is the most important thing you can do today.

In Fact, Check Out These Stats…

  • 71% of Small Business Owners Do Their Own Digital Marketing, Instead of Leaving it to Experts. – That means there are tons of frustrated small biz owners short on time and knowledge for you to capitalize on.
  • 6 in Every 10 Small Businesses Have Yet to Establish an Online Presence. – GoDaddy. Many small businesses barely have an online presence set up yet in 2020, a time where having a solid online marketing strategy is essential to surviving as a company.
  • Businesses 2 Years and Older Are Prepared to Spend 4 Figures a Month When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency – DigitalGo. That means there are tons of newer businesses ready to heavily invest in digital marketing you can take advantage of.
  • 61% of Marketers Say Generating Traffic and Leads is Their Top Challenge. – Hubspot. Every business today is struggling with this and more than half say it’s their top concern. That means there’s a huge market for you to serve with our A.I. bot solution.

That’s Why Local Lead Generation is BIG Business!

What if you had a done-for-you system to deliver fresh, targeted leads for yourself or local biz owners in minutes from now?

  • You wouldn’t have to hard sell.
  • You wouldn’t have to “educate” them.
  • You wouldn’t have to wait months to see results.

Why? Because you’re giving them exactly what they need right now… leads, leads, and more leads that stuff cash in their pockets! Many agencies are making over $50,000 per month creating lead pages, ads, and generating targeted leads. Now due to the current global crisis, that’s about to skyrocket. Plus, there are tons of potential clients needing lead page creation, ad creation, and lead generation right now on freelancing sites like or

Problem is… Building Lead Generation Marketing Campaigns is HARD WORK

  • First, you need to design, build and customize a lead generation website.
    – Which means screwing around with WordPress themes.
    – Finding and installing plugins and scripts.
    – Learning what makes a landing page convert.
    – Testing layouts.
    – Constantly fixing bugs and glitches.
    – Over-paying for glitchy funnel builders
  • Then, you need traffic.
    – Which means even more hours writing ad copy.
    – Setting up ad campaigns.
    – Checking you’re not breaking any rules.
    – Going back and forth with Facebook and Google to get your ads approved.
    – Wondering why nobody is clicking your ads and why you’re paying a fortune for every click!

It’s no secret that 95% of those that try to make money online never make a dime. And I bring to you today a software that changes that today! There are UNLIMITED business owners & local marketers trying to increase online profits. Many of these very busy people have NO IDEA how to do it.

That’s where you steps in Using ClickAgency. What is it? How does it work? Let’s find out all the details in my ClickAgency Review below!

What is ClickAgency?

ClickAgency is a world-class technology that auto-creates high-converting lead generation campaigns for you and clients that both drive and convert traffic with no experience needed. Now you can get push-button video lead pages, copy, and matching Facebook and Google ads with new A.I.-based technology in minutes.

In other words, ClickAgency is a groundbreaking solution that creates high- converting, fully congruent marketing campaigns that generate targeted leads and sales for yourself and clients. By filling out a simple form or talking to the A.I. powered bot, you can generate gorgeous lead pages with targeted copy and matching Facebook ads and Google ads which are auto-submitted to your ads manager to start driving the traffic.

This is perfect to help struggling businesses in crisis get started with lead generation online fast and easy. Don’t hesitate to check out the next parts of this ClickAgency Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!

Check Also : Product funnels Upgrade/OTO/Upsell of ClickAgency

What’s the Main Angle?

To make money, even newbies know you need great copy, targeted traffic, a landing page, email capture technology, and more for something real to happen. The angle for this launch is that ClickAgency will do all that for you in just 3 minutes or less with absolutely NO expertise required using brand new “smart” technology.

Go beyond just selling another video creator or page builder and help them set up a full lead generation campaign that gets results. This is perfect to help struggling businesses in crisis get started with lead generation online fast and easy.

Features And Benefits

  • Build Gorgeous Video Lead Pages Fast
    Create video lead pages in any niche you want that not only looks great to clients, but is designed to convert. All pages created are 100% Facebook and Google TOS compliant and optimized for PPC campaigns.

  • 3-Minute Page and Campaign Builder
    Build beautiful looking landing pages with matching ad copy in just minutes by filling out a few lines of text. These pages not only look gorgeous, but are purposely designed to convert at a high level.

  • A.I. Bot Page and Campaign Builder
    Simply talk to our “smart” bot and let him create a high-converting landing page, ads, copy, and more for you… all just by having an easy 3-minute conversation.

  • Gorgeous Local and “General” Page Templates
    Build great landing pages from our built-in library of templates which include general and local-business niches.

  • Auto Create and Submit Google Ads
    Create corresponding and congruent Google ads that relate to your landing page copy automatically and let ClickAgency auto-submit them to Google ads manager.

  • Auto-Create Facebook Ads
    Auto-magically generate Facebook Ads matching your landing page copy and auto-submit them to Ads Manager. No more Facebook ads ban for incongruent marketing.

  • Built-in Video Marketing Technology
    Embed fast-loading videos into each page you create to make your page convert even higher.

  • Lighting-Fast Page Load Speed
    Host your lead pages on the ClickAgency server and never worry about downloading or installing anything. Our pages load in under 3 seconds to convert as much traffic as possible (faster than much more expensive page builders).

  • Commercial Rights Included
    Build multiple lead campaigns for clients in just minutes and charge per lead sent, per campaign, and more.

  • Fully Mobile Optimized and 100% Cloudbased
    ClickAgency pages pass the latest Google Mobile update and work great on any device. Plus, everything is hosted in the cloud including videos, pages, campaigns and more… nothing to download or install.

  • Support for Multiple Languages
    Create lead pages and ads in 100+ different languages. Only 25% of business searches are done in English so this is a huge market you can capitalize off of no one is tapping into!

  • & more like…
    + Lightning Fast Page Loading
    + Fully Mobile Compliant
    + Translate into 100s of Languages
    + Thousands of Images/Graphics
    + Major Autoresponder Integration

Check Also : Product funnels Upgrade/OTO/Upsell of ClickAgency

How does ClickAgency work?

• ClickAgency works in 4 easy steps…

  • Step 1 – Build Your Gorgeous, Fast-Loading Webpage Via a Simple Form

To begin creating a high-converting video lead page, pick what niche you would like and just fill out a simple form. Let ClickAgency know what your product or service is generally about, any images you want to be shown, and even videos you want to showcase. Our app will organize it into a beautiful landing page with targeting copy that loads ultra-fast, ready to capture leads.

  • Step 2 – Or, Talk to Our Smart A.I. Bot to Create Your Campaign
    Or, you can simply chat with our smart A.I.-powered bot about what type of campaign you want to create. Our smart solution will learn about the product you’re trying to promote and create the campaign for you!

  • Step 3 – Preview Your Lead Page and Already Finished Ads
    Then, after ClickAgency has created your landing page, preview it to see how you like and make any changes if necessary. Remember, ClickAgency will also create matching, congruent ads for you to send to Facebook or Google to get the traffic as well.

  • Step 4 – Log Into Your Ads Manager and Start Your Campaign
    Then, when you’re ready to start getting leads and making money, just log into your ads manager of choice and kick off your campaign. The ads are generated to match the offer and copy of your page so there is no fear of being disapproved or the offer not converting well.

Now everyone can start generating email leads, phone calls, signups, and profit for themselves or any local business.

Demo Video

Check Out How Easy it is to Use ClickAgency:


You will be getting the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action (and my ultimate huge bonuses at the end of this ClickAgency Review):


To be honest… This is perfect to help struggling businesses in crisis get started with lead generation online fast and easy. Because ClickAgency can creates ads that are highly relevant to your landing page and fully compliant with Google and Facebook, helping you avoid rejection, long review periods or a total account ban. Create gorgeous video lead pages and matching, high-converting ads in just a few clicks from a simple dashboard. Use these to promote your own products or sell as a service to clients with this UNHEARD OF technology. And also Automatically create high-converting marketing campaigns in any niche that easy pull in leads and sales with ClickAgency’s A.I.-based technology. Now you never have to worry about failing online ever again.

If you still need more convincing to invest in this untapped, perpetual traffic turnkey SaaS business app then maybe you’re in the wrong business. With ClickAgency now you can find and win clients in minutes without sales meetings, cold calls, or nervous presentations.

Check Also : Product funnels Upgrade/OTO/Upsell of ClickAgency

Thank you so much for reading my ClickAgency Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I already have a funnel builder, why do I need this?
There are TONS of reasons, but here are a few to start: First, ClickAgency is available for a much lower, one-time price saving you thousands in reoccurring & upgrading fees. Next, ClickAgency pages load much faster than other builders (including ClickFunnels) making you much more money. No other page builder can do the campaign creation FOR YOU, including helping with the copy and creating the ads to pull traffic. With another page builder you’re own your own to try and get anyone to the page.

Q: Is this a monthly fee app and am I getting support?
ClickAgency is currently being offered for no monthly fees only through this deal. You’ll get full access to everything you see here today for the price listed above. And yes, we have full tutorials plus support if you ever have questions or concerns

Q: Is there step-by-step training included and really fast tech support?
Absolutely! We also provide full step-by-step training that leaves nothing to chance, even if you’re a complete newbie. Plus, you’ll get fast support if you encounter any issues.

Q: Does this work for Mac and PC?
ClickAgency is 100% cloudbased so it works with an internet connection on any browser, although we recommend using Google Chrome.

Q: Can I think about it and return later?
As stated, this is a one-time special offer. If you leave and return we can’t guarantee it will be available for the same price or available at all. If you want access, it’s best to claim it right now by clicking the button.

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