5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett – The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER! Stop Wasting Money On Bad Hosting That’s Killing Your Business And GET This 5 Years Of Blazing-Fast, User-Friendly & Extremely Reliable Website Hosting For As Little As 2 Cents Per Day!

5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett – The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER! Stop Wasting Money On Bad Hosting That’s Killing Your Business And GET This 5 Years Of Blazing-Fast, User-Friendly & Extremely Reliable Website Hosting For As Little As 2 Cents Per Day!

5CloudHost is the best and cheapest web hosting tools available on the market. Created by Web Hosting Expert Daniel Draga and his partners Matt Garrett & Catalin Draga. 5CloudHost provides insanely fast loading speed for your website. This Web hosting has powerful servers with 40 cores Intel Xeon CPUs, 128GB of ram, raid-protected SSD Storage and 10Gbps internet connectivity. They have a custom web-server configuration powered by Apache with PHP7.3, mod_http2, php-fpm, mod_lsapi, opcache and MariaDB for Mysql Databases, that will make any site open instantly. They are also CloudFlare Optimized partner, so you can enable Cloudflare’s CDN from your cPanel account with 1 click. CloudFlare makes it easy for any site to be as fast and secure as the Internet giants. And 5CloudHost use SSD-only raid-protected storages, that will improve the fault-tolerance and the read/write speed of the servers (especially MySQL) and so your website will load 10x faster at least. Check here! 5CloudHost helped thousands of clients with custom solutions, enabling them to operate much more efficient and secure, but also cheaper, than they ever did before. CloudFlare makes it easy for any site to be as fast and secure as the Internet giants. Just look for the CloudFlare icon, choose the domain you want to enable, and click the orange cloud. That’s it! Stable servers with 100% SSDs in 7 locations worldwide. Their packages are robust while their support team is both friendly and knowledgeable. Doesn’t matter if you are a blogger, affiliate marketer or online shop owner, anyone who does something online needs Web Hosting. Because customers hate waiting and the site speed is also a search engines ranking factor, the hosting needs to be very fast! 5CloudHost provides 5 years of Blazing-Fast Web hosting for less than the price of one. During our launch, your buyers can get five years of premium hosting for as little as 2 cents per day!

Did you know? 40% leave a website that loads in more than 3 seconds. 47% of consumers expect a page to load in under 2 seconds. According to Google’s “Site Performance for Webmasters” video – Site Speed is a ranking factor. Your customers expect a lot, and you must be able to deliver in order to achieve your goals. 5CloudHost was created to help you succeed with Daily backups, Free SSL Certificates, Firewall & WAF, And Unlimited bandwidth. Your wordpress site is just 1-click away. Also are more than 450 other well-known web apps. However, they guarantee that not only these applications will work with their hosting, but even if you have a custom-made application. All packages come with a 30-day money-back guarantee without any questions asked. If your web app doesn’t work, they will give you your money back. They have the best software and tools available on the market. cPanel is the most popular web-based control panel that helps you easily manage your website. It has automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site. They take downtime worries away, as one of their migration experts will take care of you through the entire process, completely FREE of charge. This is what they do every day! If you have Cpanel on your current hosting provider and you can provide a full backup file, they can migrate fast your full cpanel account , including website files, databases, email accounts, etc. Don’t look any further just go for Fivecloudhost and you will be happy like now. Get It Now.

5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett - The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!
5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett – The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!

5CloudHost Video Review

Here’s Exactly Why We’re The Last Web Hosting Platform You’ll Ever Need!

  • Ultra Fast Loading Speeds
    All our powerful servers use the newest technology, including SSD storage and 10Gbps internet connection, ensuring super fast load speeds. Lower your bounce rate, boost your Google rank. Instantly start getting more traffic and making more sales.
  • Pick Your Server Location
    You can choose to have your sites on servers in the US or Europe. Pick the location closest to your main target market and instantly give your customers a better user experience. United States, European Union.
  • 100% Uptime
    Our state of the art cloud infrastructure is fully redundant and integrated with CloudFlare. We will keep your website online at all times and ensure that it will load instantly from any corner of the world.
  • Easy To Use
    Our hosting platform is naturally powered by cPanel. It’s the most popular web-based control panel for a reason. It’s extremely user friendly and helps you easily manage your websites with automation tools designed to simplify everything.
  • 1-Click Installation
    You can install WordPress with a single click… In fact, we have 450+ applications with one-click installation. Avoid paying for technical help and start using your time on stuff that will actually make you more money.
  • Affiliate Marketing Friendly
    We both understand and approve of email- and affiliate marketing. We will always fight in your corner and strive to help you grow your business and profit.
  • Dedicated Support
    We care about you and our dedicated support team is entirely in-house and ready to answer your questions 24/7. No more waiting, get help when you need it the most!
  • Industry Leading Security
    We are serious about security and keeping your sites safe. That’s why all our data centers are Tier 3 certified, each server has its own firewall, waf, anti-malware & anti-virus scanner and we take daily backups for each account.
  • Free Migration
    We’re excited about hosting your sites and we want to take all your downtime worries away. We’ll help you move your sites to our server and one of our migration experts will take care of you through the entire process… completely FREE of charge!
  • Zero Recurring Cost
    Today you’ll get 5 years of pro level cloud hosting for a low one time fee… a mere fraction of what you’d pay for 1 year of hosting everywhere else. There is no extra cost or recurring fees… ever!

5CloudHost Is Perfect For…

  • Product Launches
    Our super fast cloud servers, CloudFlare integration and high security will ensure that even the most traffic heavy product launch will go off without a single technical glitch. Save big on your hosting, while setting yourself up for earning a lot more from your launches.
  • Affiliate Marketers
    We understand how affiliate marketing works and the challenges you face. We welcome affiliate sites, review blogs and email marketing. Our low one time fee for 5 years of hosting also takes away any worry about monthly cost and makes it much easier to turn a profit.
  • Beginners
    If you are just starting out cost can be a big concern. Our low one time fee makes our hosting platform one of the absolute cheapest on the market. The ease of use, free migration and 1-click installation will also slash our learning curve and put you on the fast track to profit.
5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett - The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!
5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett – The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!
5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett - The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!
5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett – The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!
5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett - The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!
5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett – The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER!

5CloudHost Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What happens in 5 years?
    After 5 years we will provide you with a renewal invoice for exactly the same price you pay today. Your hosting price is set in stone. We won’t capture your billing information today and save it so we can surprise you with an automatic credit card charge when you’re not expecting it. You’ll be issued a complete hosting invoice and have 30 days to pay it without any sneaky rebilling tactics.
  • Q: How Can You Provide 5 Years of Hosting for This Price?
    We host tens of thousands of websites. We know the amount of resources an average customer will use, and we make sure that we have the infrastructure and staff to handle far more than that. This means we’re paying for our staff and the datacenters regardless if we are using all of the resources available or not. That provides us extra resources that we can offer to you at a serious discount.
  • Q: Can 5CloudHost Handle Every Sites?
    5CloudHost is not for customers that should be on a VPS or a dedicated server. Let’s be honest, if you have 20+ WordPress websites with intensive plugins and scheduled jobs every 2 minutes or are constantly scraping hundreds of websites, this service is not for you. Our service is for customers that won’t abuse the resources. Please do yourself a favor and go purchase a VPS. We use CloudLinux to isolate our shared hosting accounts to prevent this abuse from slowing down our servers.
  • Q: Why Should I Trust 5CloudHost?
    Our parent company has been providing web hosting since 2012, under different brands and companies. We’re not new at this and this isn’t a hobby for us, It’s what we do for a living! We know how much it costs us to provide a premium service with excellent support to the customers and we make a fair profit to ensure we can continue offering this service.
  • Q: Where Are Your Servers Located?
    The servers that compose our Cloud are housed in many datacenters in United States (Miami, FL and Dallas, TX) and Europe (Manchester/UK, Frankfurt/DE, The Hague/NL and Bucharest/RO). Hosting accounts for this promotion will be provisioned in Dallas or Bucharest, you should choose the location closer to your customers.
  • Q: Do you allow Online Storage of non-hosting files?
    No. 5CloudHost is not for customers looking for an online storage. Our hosting servers are meant for hosting websites. You’ll have plenty of room for all your websites, but, it’s important that you use the space with consideration and only for files which are directly related to your online presence. Please don’t backup your home files, other websites, or multiple copies of your website and database on our servers, we already provide daily backups for the websites hosted with us.

The only way you can lose out here is if you walk away empty-handed… This really is the cheapest and best value hosting deal you’ll ever find… and the best solution anyone looking to improve their site performance while increasing profit fast!

Catalin Draga
CEO at 5CloudHost
part of Virtono Networks SRL

P.S. Right now you’re at a fork in the road – you can either carry on as you are – wake up tomorrow in the same place – wondering why your sites are loading so slowly and why you are paying steep monthly fees to a hosting company that can’t even be bothered to answer you themselves… Or you can take action and invest in yourself and your business today – nothing is going to change unless you do!

P.P.S Remember that this is a time limited special offer. If you close this page and try to come back later we can not guarantee that this offer will still be here, in fact it will likely be too late and the page will be gone for good… and replaced with $359 per year recurring offer. Why pay more later? With our guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click the button below now and get started today!

Grab 5 Years Of Heavily Discounted Hosting For A Low One Time Payment!

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5CloudHost Review By Matt Garrett – The Best & Cheapest Web Hosting On The Market EVER! Stop Wasting Money On Bad Hosting That’s Killing Your Business And GET This 5 Years Of Blazing-Fast, User-Friendly & Extremely Reliable Website Hosting For As Little As 2 Cents Per Day!

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