$10k In 30 Days Challenge – Exclusive Coaching Program By Luther Landro: Help Anyone Build A $10,000 Per Month Email Marketing Business From Scratch In Just 30 Days.

Revealed: $10k In 30 Days Challenge – Exclusive Coaching Program:

“The 3-Step Blueprint I Use To Quietly Earn Over $100,000 Per Month Selling Other Peoples Products Over Email”.

All Without Creating products… Without Selling on Amazon… Without joining some “MLM”… Without even needing a website… And Best of All, I only work 30 minutes a day while sales and commissions are generated on autopilot 24-7!

This 3-Step blueprint has NEVER been revealed publicly. The traffic source, email lead sources, sales strategies, and affiliate offers have all been private information between myself and my high-ticket coaching students until now.

Here is the proof: 

Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month Make Money Online
Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month Make Money Online

$10k In 30 Days Challenge – Exclusive Coaching Program

If you’ve ever wanted to earn a passive income online or are looking for a reliable work from home opportunity than you need to read every word of this short letter. That’s because on this page you are about to discover the simple 3-step blueprint that I’ve been using to quietly earn over $100,000/month using nothing but ethical email marketing… And how my students are using this same blueprint to earn their first $10,000 in just 30 days.

This surprisingly simple blueprint works with: NO Product creating, warehousing, or shipping, NO selling on Amazon, NO MLM programs to join, ​NO tech stuff or websites to set up, ​And NO previous experience needed. If you have an email account and can spare 30 minutes a day, you can join this challenge and start earning commissions.

Million Dollar Business in 30 Minutes/Day With… Email?

Inside the coaching program I broke down everything that was working for me into a 3-step email marketing blueprint that I could implement in just 30 minutes a day.

Following this I started working a fraction of the time I used too, while still having my biggest month ever with close to $130,000 in sales and commissions:

$10k In 30 Days Challenge - Exclusive Coaching Program
$10k In 30 Days Challenge – Exclusive Coaching Program

The 3-step email blueprint is surprisingly simple:

  1. Build an list of email subscribers in a hot market using little-known but timeless lead sources…
  2. Email those subscribers new affiliate offers each week from the right networks…
  3. Get paid a huge commission on sales!
    That’s it!

Email Marketing: The Timeless ‘Old-School’ Way to Generate Profit

Email is ingrained in the fabric of our online lives in a way that any big social media company NEVER could. Everyone uses it, no big company owns it, and it hasn’t changed much since it was created 21 years ago.

Every big business and every online guru uses email as their primary marketing channel (In fact I’m willing to bet you’re reading this letter right now as a direct result of an email you received).

Having a list of email subscribers is the greatest asset you could ever build in your business. It’s like having your own personal ATM machine… Anytime I need money, I just send an email to my list. Soon after, my inbox is filled with affiliate sales notifications:

Exclusive Coaching Program 2022 By Luther Landro
Exclusive Coaching Program 2022 By Luther Landro

With an email-based business YOU decide how much or how little you want to work.

These days I’d rather spend my free time with my family and work just a few minutes and earn $1,000-$3,000 a day. And the times I really need the money, my list is there for me.

You can always spend more time on the business, finding better affiliate offers, sending more emails, and banking more commissions. Like back in October when I put in the extra hours to find offers and send more emails, giving me multiple $10,000 days when I needed the cash:

Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month By Luther Landro
Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month By Luther Landro

Whether you want an easy lifestyle business, or a million dollar empire, email marketing is the way to get there.

$10k in 30 Days Challenge – What is it?

The $10k in 30 days Challenge is self-paced coaching program created by an expert email marketer Luther landro. This coaching program designed to help anyone build a $10,000 per month email marketing business from scratch in just 30 days.

This Coaching is Unlike Anything You Have Seen Before! The $10k in 30 days challenge is NOT some get rich quick or MLM scheme you see “gurus” pitching on late night TV. The $10k in 30 days challenge follows a simple blueprint that I’ve been using for over a decade to generate millions of dollars in income through email marketing.

It’s a blueprint that dozens of my students have used to build their own 6 and 7 figure businesses. A blueprint that I have NEVER revealed before. Think about it: If you can achieve just a fraction of what I’ve achieved with this very system, you’ll be earning some serious money.

What is inside this program

Inside this program: You’ll learn how to build your own email list and earn passive income using my easy 3-step email marketing blueprint, all in just 30 minutes a day of ‘real work’.

The $10k in 30 day challenge is the coaching program I WISH I had when I started. I’m giving you everything you need to succeed:

  • Not 1 but 7 sources of traffic and buyer leads to build your email lists on autopilot (the very same lead sources I use to build my lists)
  • The simple 3-step process I use to earn as much as $10,000 per day that requires no new skills to learn or even websites to build
  • A business that is working NOW in 2022 and has only increased during the pandemic (I had my biggest year ever during lockdown)
  • ​Set-and-forget income streams that generate sales and commissions 24/7
  • ​Fully guaranteed: The challenge works for you or you pay nothing
  • The $10k in 30 day challenge is by far the fastest and easiest way to start earning 10k/month online.

For 30 days you’re getting a head start with my over a decade of experience. A program that is proven to help regular folks with no experience build a 6 figure email business from scratch. I’ve broken this coaching program into sections that will be easy for you to pick up:

Section 1: Build a $10,000 per month business from scratch and generate IMMEDIATE cash flow

  • How to run your email marketing business discreetly in your spare time (no one has to know… until you cash that first $10,000 chekc of course)
  • My entire digital business blueprint that allows me to earn over $100,000 a month in just 30 minutes a day.
  • The top secret self funding formula that allows you to earn a commission immediately for every subscriber you add to your list (it’s like getting paid to build your subscriber list)
  • ​The exact automation technology I use to put this entire business on autopilot (the real reason I can work only 30 minutes a day and still earn money 24/7)
  • ​The lazy daily routine that pays me thousands of dollars per day while I spend  most of my time with my family.
  • Discover the most important asset in any online business (and no, I’m NOT talking about your email list). With this you will ALWAYS be able to earn millions on demand, without it you’ll never get off the ground.
  • ​When you should or shouldn’t quit your day job
  • The biggest mistakes you must avoid when building your list and earning commissions (90% of beginners make these mistakes and it KILLS their chances of ever building a profitable list)
  • How I banked over $100k/month during lockdown promoting other peoples products (why this business only increases during recessions or pandemics.)

Section 2: 7 little-know sources of traffic and email leads to passively build your list.

I’m giving away the goose in this section, and flat out telling you where I get all of my email leads. You’ll hit the ground running with new subscribers and grow your business as much or as little as you want with these lead sources. You are completely in control.

Most courses leave this out… they teach you to build lead funnels and send emails but NEVER show you where to get the traffic and leads. The $10k in 30 days challenge is different… You’ll be getting leads from day 1:

  • How to get $1,000 in free leads fast
  • How to get product vendors to give you leads – they will happily send you buyer leads directly when you use this one little trick
  • How to syphon traffic from Facebook without spending a dime on ads​
  • How to steal leads from product launches and earn a commission selling it in the process (dominate the leader boards with this trick and win contest money)
  • ​The sneaky hack that gets warrior plus and other affiliate networks to give you leads directly
  • ​The number 1 paid traffic sources I use to scale my business (reinvest your earnings in these sources to go from $10k per month to $100k)
  • ​All 7 of my top source of active buyer traffic that can send you thousands of leads per day. Use just one or all 7 of these to build and grow your email list overnight.
  • ​My number 1 free source of buyer leads in any niche – these rabid buyers are addicted and will buy everything you recommend over email and send you leads your first day so you can make a sale and commission in just 24 hours. THESE are the leads that can earn you $10 per month from each subscriber.

Section 3: How to find the hottest, highest paying affiliate products to promote

In section 3 you’ll learn where to find the hottest products to promote to any list. These products range in price, and pay HUGE commissions on every sale (up to 100% commissions!). You can use this section every time you’re looking for a hot offer to promote so you know EXACTLY whats selling and take the guess work out of this whole process:

  • ​The suprising niche where you can sell $1000-$3000 products and earn a 75% commission.
  • Discover the popular niche that is dominated with rebill offers (meaning each sale pays you a monthly commission for life)… And no, this is NOT the internet marketing or make money online niche.
  • ​Why I always pick products to promote BEFORE I start building a list – most people get this backwards and is why they are never able to earn as much money as I do from their lists. EVERYTHING starts with having an offer to sell.
  • ​Top converting high ticket offers let you bank $500 to $1000 from every single sale
  • ​5-check criteria for picking an affiliate offer to promote that will guarantee you earn the most money from every email you send to your list.
  • ​Simple method gets you approved for any offer regardless of your current affiliate experience level (you can only make money if you get approved and this will give you an edge over 99% of other affiliates that get denied).
  • Where to find top selling offers that you can promote and instantly make money with (NO approval needed) and land your first check this week.

Section 4: Email Marketing Master Class

In this section you’ll learn how to earn the most money from every email you send to your list, earning $1-$10 per subscriber every month.  You can use these strategies every time you write an email. The more emails you send, the more money you make.

  • ​Full walkthrough on how to schedule your mailing weeks in advance to earn the maximum money in minimum time.
  • The perfect timing and frequency to send emails that make the most amount of money without burning out your lists – Sending emails at these ‘buyer sweet spot times’ can DOUBLE the commissions you earn.
  • ​The late night email that always gets me commissions (No one else is emailing the late night infomercial crowd… earn all the sales!)
  • ​Rapid email writing formula that creates short, punchy emails that generate clicks and sales
  • The one subject line NO subscriber can ever ignore… Use it when you have a great offer to promote and need cash fast.
  • ​How to use ‘auto responders’ to warm up your leads and get them primed to buy everything you send them.
  • ​How to legally steal email campaigns from the top affiliates in the world

Listen: This is just a fraction of what I’ve included in the $10k in 30 days coaching program. I’ve provided detailed coaching for every step to take you from zero to $10,000 in commissions in just 30 days time.

How does it works?

The $10k in 30 days challenge is broken down into 3 simple steps for you to follow in a do this... then do this… then do this format:

  • Step 1 Build your email subscriber list using one (or all) of our verified insider traffic/lead sources. You’ll be adding 100s to 1000s of leads per day with these little-known sources.
$10k In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro Real Results
$10k In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro Real Results
  • Step 2 Pick the hottest converting offers (from our included list) that pay huge commissions on high ticket sales
$10k In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro Real Results
$10k In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro Real Results
  • Step 3 Mail these offers to your subscribers! – You’ll be earning $1-$10 per subscriber per month with the fill-in the blanks email templates in the blueprint.
$10k In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro Real Results
$10k In 30 Days Challenge By Luther Landro Real Results


Does it really works?

Inside this coaching program I will give you “3 Challenge Members Who Earned $10,000+ in 30 Days” an early copy of this blueprint to my friend Dan Demarco, who put it to the test. He create brand new accounts on ClickBank And Warrior Plus then spent 30 minutes a day following the steps in this coaching.

Take a look at his results:

Dan earned over $10,000 in October following this challenge part time, with a brand new account, starting completely from scratch. The list Dan built during his 30-Day challenge continues to provide him with a healthy, reliable side income.

Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month By Luther Landro
Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month By Luther Landro

Eric Dimi joined my coaching during a $10k challenge and had similar results with the email marketing blueprint. Eric banked over $19,000 in under 10 days using these email strategies:

Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month By Luther Landro
Exclusive Coaching Program $100,000 Per Month By Luther Landro

My opinion

I strongly recommend The $10k in 30 Days Challenge Coaching Program For you!

  • If you’re just starting out, this challenge is the perfect opportunity to go from zero to $10,000 a month in just 30 days.
  • If you already have a list and are earning 6-figures I’ll teach you how to scale your email business to a million dollars a year and beyond.
  • If you’re already earning over a million per year, you’ll discover new traffic sources to build your list faster as well as secret promotion strategies that will help you earn more money while working far less hours.
  • and If you want to earn a passive income online, then this Coaching Program is perfect for you!

Because with this proven program you can easily earn over $100,000/month using nothing but ethical email marketing. With NO Product creating, warehousing, or shipping, NO selling on Amazon, NO MLM programs to join, ​NO tech stuff or websites to set up, ​And NO previous experience needed.

Why $10,000?

$10,000 is a magic number for 2 reasons…

Reason 1: It’s a perfectly achievable goal for your first month online.
Many of my students have accomplished this goal, with some (Like Eric) surpassing that goal with ease in their first month. It’s also a great starting amount to spring board to the $100k/month or million dollar level.

Reason 2: This is an income level that will change the lives of most people.
$10,000 per month is $120,000 a year… A healthy 6-figure income that many people struggle for YEARS at a 9-5 job to one day achieve.

At $10k per month you could:

  • Quit your day job
  • Pay off all your debt in a few short months
  • Build a savings account
  • ​Have money to invest back in your business or other opportunities
  • ​Finance your retirement
  • ​Achieve full financial freedom

This is also the perfect kicking off point for folks who want to become millionaires. At $10,000 per month you can afford to work on the business full time and grow it to any level you desire (like earning $10,000/day when you need it).

You Give Me 30 Minutes a Day, I’ll Give You a Profitable Email List… Guaranteed.

I’m so confident that the $10k in 30 days challenge will work for you that I am willing to guarantee your results.


We don’t want anything to stop you from getting the $10k In 30 Days Challenge – Exclusive Coaching Program right now. This is like nothing you’ve ever seen before! Try out the challenge for yourself, you’ll have a full 60 days to complete the challenge.. We know you’ll be blown away by how fast and easy it from zero to $10,000 a month in just 30 days by following this program. That’s why we’re going to ELIMINATE all of the risk and give you a full 60 days to make sure this program is for you. You can feel comfortable knowing that we’re the ones taking all of the risk.

But, If you don’t generate at least 1000 email subscriber in that time… or If you don’t earn the money you wanted too going into this challenge… Or even if you don’t like the color choices in the member’s area, any reason at all… Just send me a support ticket with the word refund and I’ll send you back every penny. No questions asked, no hassles. You can even keep your copy of the $10k in 30 days challenge as my gift for trying it out. So, what are you waitng for? Join to $10k In 30 Days Challenge – Exclusive Coaching Program now!

-> Join to this Exclusive Coaching Program here <<

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