Google Local Raider – Discover How To Earn $5000 Or More Each Month Working With Local Businesses

Google Local Raider Review

Hello my friends, Thank you for visiting my Honest review site. 😀 . Today I’m going to share with you how to make money from home. And If you’re looking for an easy way to earn passive income from home… Then this is the right place. And you need to take a quick look at screenshot on my review below from my PayPal Account.

Because what you see below are commission payment I received just last mont from a brand new program offered by Google called “Google Guarantee“. This program leap-frogs a business’s Google listing to the first page generates leads & appointments for the business owner, and pays you a monthly commission for Every local business YOU help to sign up.

Now this has NOTHING to do with Google Places, It’s NOT part of Google My Business, and I guarantee You have never seen anything like this before!

This is an entirely new service that Google is offering and very few business have taken advantages of it, even though it’s free for them to get started…

Read my full review below to discover how you can earn passive monthly income from every business you get to sign up to this free program… as well as the cold email script that I have been using to book 1 in 10 businesses by targeting right markets. All with NO hard selling or rejections, No servicing or work of any kind after you sign them up, and NO chasing clients to collect your fees.

The students who caught the live version of this are already earning commission on every lead this program generates for their clients…

See what a few of the had to say:

The students who caught an early version of this are earning passive income by signing up business to Google’s new service. And right now you have the chance to duplicate their results… Earning hundreds… Thousands… even ten of thousands of dollars in passive monthly income…

Read this review to the end to find out how to have all the work done-for-you and be sure to see it now because I’m not sure how long this will be available..

What is Google Local Raider

Google Local Raider is a complete Google Guarantee business-in-a-box. This never seen before secret system was created by Top 1% and Superstar Vendor with more than 111,000 sales made “Luther Landro“. He is now running a Media company and working as a product creator at the same time. Up to present, Luther has launched over 100 products, which were sold like hot cakes. For example: Effortless Dental Consulting, Facebook Video Raider, Passive Consulting Profits, Effortless Roofing Consulting, How I Made $300,000 as a Rookie Consultant, etc. He is regarded as a reliable person when it comes to marketing education. I totally believe Google Local Raider will become his next success, helping more people with Local Marketing.

Everything you need to start earning passive monthly commission check is provided in a done-for-you format including a detailed, no-fluff guide that walks through the entire process step by step. With these materials, you can help local businesses sign up Google Guarantee for improving their ranking in search results. With no hard selling or rejections BUT with complete formula to put in practice right away.

What’s You’ll get Inside?

In this section of Google Local Raider Review, I’ll show you in details how you take up this kind of business and also what benefits that Google Local Raider brings to you.

  • Business Explanation
    After signing up Google Guarantee, their listing leap frogs to the top of Google results. Being placed above regular results, maps, and even text ads
meaning their business become the first choice for customers .

At the backend, businesses can manage their leads. They can confirm appointments, deny appointments and communicate directly with leads from Google’s website.

There are even mobile apps for Android and iPhone that business owners can use to manage their leads while out in the field

  • In Fact
    Most don’t even know this program exist in their city! And depending on the city, there are entire business niches that are not yet using this service

How To use

In this section of Google Local Raider Review, I’ll show you how easy it is to get started with this system.

  • First, Find the local niche and cities where no one is taking advantage of this service and
offer to set up Google Guarantee for business at no cost.

You might be thinking:

Of course you had a great response! You’re offering an amazing service to biz owners for free. But how does that make me any money?

In order to keep the guarantee badge and stay at top results, business are required to spend money buying leads every month through Google’s Adwords program.

Clients love seeing their business at the top of google without having to worrying about SEO, keyword research or other shenanigans
not to mention being flooded with new business leads from the very first day. You can charge additional fees for this service

OR doing something MORE comfortable for you:

Drop the client off with Agencies Luther recommends, and they do all the work while you earn your commission! The $40 per lead cost includes a $5-$10 commission for you refer a business. $5 per lead adds up to a great amount of money when your average business is collecting dozens of appointments each week. This means you can earn up to $5000 or more per month!

The best part: This service is entirely white labeled, meaning they use your company name so
So the clients never knows you are outsourcing the work

  • Second, Use 10-MIN “GOOGLE SEARCH TRICK” to uncover thousands of businesses that need this service
  • Third, Copy-and-paste the p PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to the 20 best businesses
  • Fourth, Sign up the one that respond to Google’s Guarantee program
  • And the last, Once their listings appear at the top of google, you pass them off to the white label agency who manages their campaign and you get paid a commission on every lead that comes in

Features And Benefits

  • Module 1: A done-for-you coaching program
    You will learn:
    â€ș 3-Step formula for finding low-handing fruit prospects that jump at the chance to work with you and will benefit the most from Google Guarantee.
    â€ș Hand holding 7-step walk through on Google’s Guarantee program
    â€ș Follow these step-by-step instructions every time you land a new client to get them on the first page of Google and generating leads quickly
  • Module 2: The cold email that closes 1 in 10 businesses
    â€ș Just send this copy-paste proven email to business and let it do all the selling for you.
    â€ș Learn the cold email system to email spam filters and get your email in the priority inbox every time as well as the government resource where you can find nearly any business owner’s direct contact email
  • Module 3: Quick-start Checklist On How to get clients
    The checklist has covered every step of the way: finding clients, sending the emails., handling customer response

  • Module 4: Quick-start Checklist On Lead Ad
    Inside this checklist, you’ll Get the service business to the top of Google, instantly flooding them with appointments and new business. Get started quickly by following the step-by-step instructions, it ensures you implement this system the right way


Everything you need at your fingertips. Our training modules show you step by step.

  • Bonus 1: The Canadian version pre-written email
    Learn why Canada is a massively untapped opportunity Google Guarantee making Canadian businesses GOLDMINE. Their leads costs are lower than in the US. Use these emails to land first Canadian client in a week

  • Bonus 2: Follow up section
    â€ș Use the follow up section in Google Guarantee to generate positive reviews for your clients.
    â€ș Having more positive reviews on their Google listing boosts the organic search rank, lower their ad costs and make the business look even more attractive to potential customers.
    â€ș You can charge extra monthly fee for this service or offer it as a bonus
  • Super bonus: The local consultant outsourcing guide
    This updated guide lists every white label and reseller service that Luther offers to his local consulting clients. Earn $5000 to $10000 each month or more from every business that hires you by offering these additional services. Inside you will outsource the work with:

+ SEO company who handles Google Guarantee for betting ranking
+ The reputation management agency to fix the bad reviews improve yelp page
+ The web design company builds full website and redesigns clients’ site to generate traffic and customer
+ The mobile app service that will create full mobile apps for your clients for cheap
+ Content writer that fill your client’s site and social media with content and generate clients
+ The Facebook marketing company that will handle ads, fan pages, and build your client’s page
And so many more services that I don’t have space here to mention. Your dream of making money online is now realized! You can even earn more money while working with fewer clients



To be honest, I highly recommended This program for you! because I have noticed this new training course gets you all covered to start a promising business that land clients for the first few days. Luther’s campaign really WORKS! You know, all businesses need a flow of new leads. You can take advantage of Google Local Raider to help them deal with ranking, earn more trust and make more business with them!

Moreover, while they are using AdWords with $200 per lead cost, Luther provides you with white label service that handles all the management and drops their lead cost from $200 per lead to only $30-$40 per lead. You see? You are not only getting their pages on the top ranking but also refer them to a reliable, cost-effective solution! And by doing this, you can also easily generate commissions which add to your monthly passive income.

From my honest Google Local Raider review, can you feel its whole amazing features? Thousands of Luther’s students have been doing this and successfully generating passive daily paychecks. And You don’t really need a specific major or skills to become a professional marketing consultant for real estate agents. As you have everything inside Google Local Raider. Everything is ready-to-go. All the heavy lighting is handled. Nowhere to find the chance that Google Local Raider gives you today! Get Google Local Raider Now!

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